Leefstyl / Lifestyle

Leefstylafrigting / Life Coaching
Leefstyl C het ‘n strategiese benadering tot die moderne leefstyl…
Daar moet ʼn fyn balans wees tussen werk en die ander fasette van ʼn mens se leefstyl. Die kuns lê daarin om hierdie balans sinvol te vind.
There needs to be a fine balance between work and the other facets of one’s lifestyle. The art lies therein to achieve this balance effectively
Werk, ontspanning, kos, oefening, Christenskap, toerisme, stokperdjies ens….
Leefstylafrigting / Life Coaching

Ketogeniese Gesonde Leefstyl / Ketogenic Healthy Lifestyle
Dit is belangrik om te kyk na wat ons eet en bietjie te oefen veral in hierdie tyd waarin ons leef met al die uitdagings.
It is important to consider what we eat and to do some exercise to be able to deal with our challenges in this age.
Kom ons eet bietjie minder, sny aan die Koolhidrate “Carbs” en Suiker doen dan ook fisiese oefening waarvan jy hou vir die volle effek.
Let’s eat less, cut the Carbs and Sugar then do some physical exercise you like to compliment the effort.
The Ketogenic Lifestyle
Fishing Directory
Leefstylafrigting / Life Coaching

Tennis Afrigting op alle vlakke / Tennis Coaching on all levels
Wilson Toerusting / Equipment
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