Category: Christian Network
Christian Network / Christelike Netwerk
Goeie Koring >>> / Good Grain >>>
Do you perhaps hold to the same Biblical beliefs as us, in South Africa or abroad?
Please contact us if you wish to get in touch with other people of the same beliefs. Kindly state your e-Mail address, contact numbers as well as the province and town and /or suburb you reside in.
Please give a short description on your position and experience of current affairs regarding the Church and the return of our Lord.
Because of the position that we have taken in and probably you as well, we find ourselves in small groups. This is a way to get into contact with each other, especially in your own area.
We have Bible Study links on our website as well as refutation of most of the relevant error, propagated as Christian doctrine!
You still have to meet with other Christians who are part of the Body of Christ, even if it is informal.
You do not have to go the Emergent Church, Purpose Driven and apostate route!
There is an alternative, get the oil for your lamp while it is available!
Statement of Faith
As a non-denominational, Bible Believing Christian Organization, Lifestyle C has the following points of departure:
We believe in One God; a Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Holy One of Israel.
We believe in the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, as the Word of God. We believe that it was given by God to man in the original languages as final authority in all matters of doctrine, faith and life.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus and in His bodily resurrection and bodily ascension into heaven where He now sits on the Right Hand of the Father.
We believe that man is fallen and that the only way to salvation is by the New Birth which one receives through the Holy Spirit. This happens when one accepts the fact that we have to repent of our sins and then does so by believing and confessing that Jesus alone is the only provision for mans sin and right standing with God.
We believe that you have to remain faithful to Him according to Scripture.
We hold to Believers Baptism (fully immersed in water after coming to faith) and believe that the Lord’s Supper is to be observed by the Bride of Christ.
We believe in the pre-millennial bodily return of Jesus, which will be preceded by the rapture (gathering of all believers with Christ), then He will set up His millennial Kingdom on earth and reign from Jerusalem for a literal 1000 years.
We believe that the Gifts of The Spirit continue to operate in the church though be it very conservatively. We reject any extremities on the Charismatic or Pentecostal side as well as cessation on the Extreme Calvinistic side.
We hold to the Reformation Creeds to the extent that they conform to the Word of God.
We will work together with all people whom hold to the essential doctrines of Scripture.
Nuus / News
Be Alert 23 March 2012 Pdf >>>
From six troubles He will deliver you
“From six troubles He will deliver you,
Even in seven evil will not touch you.
– Job 5:19
In This Alert
1- Moriel administrator for New Zealand Nigel Nicholson called home to Jesus
2- Banks foreclosing on churches in record numbers
3- Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians
4- Muslim Community in America ‘Increasing Dramatically
5- Penn Judge Tosses Case in Which Muslim Was Accused of Attacking Atheist
6- As in the days of Lot: Christians who signed petitions investigated
7- Bill lets chaplains hold biblical view of ‘gays’
8- St. Pat’s Day massacre of religious liberty
9- Ugandan ‘gays’ sue American over beliefs
10- Debunking Kirk Cameron’s Christianity [?]
11- Christian persecution continues to increase on campus across the US
12- Not ashamed of my chains: US Church need to speak up about Persecuted Christians
13- After attack, MK calls on Jews to leave France
14- Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia: It Is ‘Necessary to Destroy All the Churches of the Region’
15- Christian women report being assaulted after arrests
16- Christians rounded up across Iran
17- Iran: Churches Forced to Stop Farsi Worship
18- Indonesia: Red Cross logo aggravates Islamic fundamentalists
19- Cross removed at base in Afghanistan
20- Uganda: Muslim Converts to Christianity Under Attack
21- Archbishop of Canterbury: wearing a cross just decoration
22- Hungary deputy PM Semjén appalled at British gov’t position on Christian cross
23- UK: Christian hotel owners consider gay couple appeal at Supreme Court
24- US: ‘Sovereign citizen’ movement now on FBI’s radar
Key Moriel Resources:
Jacob Prasch Channel on YouTube
Latest Book: Shadows of the Beast
The Daniel Project: Possibly the most important film of the 21st Century
But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, “DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory. “O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY ? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING ?”
– 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
Urgent Ministry News & Information
Moriel New Zealand
Nigel Nicholson With Jesus
It is with a predictable combination of joy and sadness that we announce that Brother Nigel Nicholson, Moriel administrator for New Zealand, has been called home to be with Jesus. Nigel had been battling heart disease but was never quite the same after the loss of his beloved wife Jenny three years ago with whom he is now re-united in Christ.
Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for Nigel’s three daughters and their families and for the on-going ministry of Moriel in New Zealand.
In Christ our separation from Nigel is of course temporary and he shall walk the earth again in the millennial reign of Jesus with us prior to the eternal reward. Nigel has been greeted in his home coming by The Lord :
Originally posted on the MORIEL website
Shalom and Greetings in Christ Jesus,
A Hebraic understanding of Scripture helps us to understand the last days
The next day as we were being violently storm-tossed, they began to jettison the cargo; and on the third day they threw the ship’s tackle overboard with their own hands. Since neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small storm was assailing us, from then on all hope of our being saved was gradually abandoned. When they had gone a long time without food, then Paul stood up in their midst and said, “Men, you ought to have followed my advice and not to have set sail from Crete and incurred this damage and loss. “Yet now I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
– Acts 27:18-22
One of the most profound truths I have learned and consistently put into use in my study and practice of the Scriptures is the original Hebraic or I should say, Judeo-Christian understanding of repetitive pattern, also know as a Midrash. We see this in many of the historical accounts in the Old Testament (OT) and even in the New Testament (NT) such as the passage above in which I recommend everyone reading The Future History of the Church by James Jacob Prasch for the full study.
In the above literal-historical account there is also a picture given to us of the last-days church. In the gospels, God’s people (now the church) are pictured as boats or ships, often in storm tossed seas. Earlier in verse 14 of the same chapter we read:
But before very long there rushed down from the land a violent wind, called Euraquilo;
– Acts 27:14
What is quite interesting is that although the Greek language used in the NT used different words for wind and spirit, the OT did not, and it is Hebraic OT typology that Paul uses in this passage.
With that, in general we have a picture of a violent “spirit” storm-tossing the church and assailing them for many days. They had also gone many days without food (teaching of the Word of God) and had to start abandoning the things of this world in order to “stay afloat.”
How many believers fit this condition in the world today? Many in “churches” are receiving teaching but it is anything and everything except the Word of God.
Paul then admonishes them for following their own course (not listening to The word, i.e., the Scriptures?) but he encourages them that there will be no loss of life (none shall perish – Jesus will lose none of His sheep John 10:27-28), but again, the things of this world such as the ship (church buildings etc.) will be lost.
We can apply this passage to many situations in the church today just as we can the seven letters in Revelation. It has been taught by dispensationalists (where my view is generally positioned) that besides being seven literal letters to seven literal churches in what is now modern Turkey, these dictated by our Lord Jesus Christ to the apostle John give us a picture of all types of churches in the world today, and personal application for all believers. These letters also prove to be a prophetic timeline of the church age that is completely accurate to what has occurred. Of course, we should not be shocked at this since God Himself gave us this information, but many will still naysay and ignore this truth.
Additionally some have taught that of the seven churches in Revelation, there is a difference between the first set of three and the second set of four. This distinction is shown between the placements of the statements by Jesus “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches …” (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 27, and 3:6, 13, 22) and “To him who overcomes …” (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 26, and 3:5, 12, 21). Careful observation will reveal that the “Spirit” statement comes first for Ephesus, Smyrna and Pergamum however, it is the “overcome” statement spoken first for Thyatira through Laodicea.
The serpent and the dragon
So, what does the difference between the two sets of churches mean? Some have suggested that a line of those who had a pure and full understanding of Christ’s and the apostles teaching went as far as Pergamum before the false teaching of Rome fully encroached and that light was lost. We see this today in that the persecuted church of today is not the Smyrna of old. Not only does most of the persecuted church have to be concerned about the dragon (blatant satanic attack) but also they are constantly facing the serpent (seductive satanic deception). Many of these churches are filled with false teachings and doctrines and the only thing that separates them from the world is that they believe on the name of Jesus and are willing to die for Him.
I personally find it very bothersome when a believer is willing to die for Christ and will not recant his faith in the face of certain death and yet still I receive messages from people that say something along the lines, “he is a false believer, or in a cult” etc. As most of you know, we (I) have no problem pointing out those who malign the truth, however, we are told plainly in Scripture that we cannot judge the heart, only words and deeds. I personally find it much easier to hold to sound doctrine than to live out good deeds and I need my wife and the fellowship of the saints to help me walk every day or I will fall flat. (Those who know me can attest to my daily struggles and mood swings, which I readily concur, are not becoming to the man of God, yet I continue to strive towards the goal.)
It is easy to spot a deceiver in America or the rich Western countries, especially those who talk big on stage and live even bigger and whose deeds do not line up with the that of the Scriptures. We cannot judge their heart or one’s salvation, but those who have been “marked” for their divisiveness should get out of the ministry before they do more harm. However, someone willing to die for Christ is either insane beyond hope or are showing the world their heart. In these cases, we should give such the benefit of the doubt and let Jesus be the judge.
Understanding the Days of Lot
Is it not written in the book of Jashar?
– Joshua 10:13c
One of the most troublesome trends in modern Christendom (and one of my personal pet peeves) is how popular books by Christian pastors, teachers and authors have been elevated to a “must read” status that rivals that of the Bible itself.
An example of these fad like, Purpose-Driven® style, mass marketed, junk food publications that the undiscerning sheep have gobbled down because of a “everyone else is doing it” mentality are books like The Shack and A Celebration of Discipline. Few have taken the time to thoroughly compare what they take into their hearts and minds against the Word of God. This we know to be a fact as ministers and ministries beginning with the original Bible Answer Man, Dr. Walter Martin and continuing with those such as The Berean Call, John MacArthur, Moriel and others alike have documented. Nonetheless, most refuse to look at the facts and rather go on blindly and happily into apostasy.
However, there is always one warning I find nearly always mentioned by most Evangelical pastors and teachers that when compared to the modern book market, frankly amazes me. This is the one regarding extra-biblical, non-canonical or Apocryphal books. Now, I am referring to the extra-biblical books that the Scriptures actually quote, Jashar and Enoch, and those included in the Apocryphal and Old/New Testament Pseudepigrapha that are helpful for understanding history such as the time of Antiochus Ephipanes IV. These books do not contain doctrine, but are important for their historical contributions, for example 1 & 2 Maccabees and Jashar et al.
The clearly biblically contradictory pseudo-apocryphal books such as the Gospel of Thomas or any other such books that were not written by those that bare their names, are Gnostic and contain false teaching. These false books and letters (an example of warned of by Paul in 2 Thes 2:2) directly contradict Scriptural doctrine, are garbage and should only studied by those looking to refute them and feel comfortable with their biblical knowledge and discernment as to not to be led astray. Any warnings for reading these should be heeded seriously.
Now I understand why these books, especially books such as Jashar, Enoch or the Book of Jubilees should be read with caution. Although these were trusted historical sources by the biblical authors, we really have no idea how trustworthy the copies of today are. These have not been rigorously tested like the canonical (biblical) manuscripts. Nonetheless, if you know your bible, I suggest reading Jashar 18 & 19 for a further view of Sodom and Gomorrah. What is so striking is not just the gross sexual immorality but also a perverted legal system that was “a trap” to all who unwittingly fell into it. What we have is a system of justice that was completely “lawless” and I am afraid this is what we are beginning to witness in The United States and much of the world today. This is helpful in understanding the trends we are beginning to see worldwide regarding the laws being passed to protect what used to be called “sin” and additionally, laws being passed to prosecute those who preach the truth about it.
One final comment I would like to make regarding the current events transpiring worldwide. I recently have found myself ‘subscribed’ to a Preterist email newsletter to which I occasionally do read since I want to better understand their positions. This last one was on Isaiah 17:1 and a question was asked somewhere in the thread of comments that if God was going to “curse those who curse” why did he not curse Germany? First, that person obviously does not understand the wall that separated Berlin until Israel was a nation for forty years. But, that is for another time. However, God’s judgment begins in His own house, and this we are currently seeing with faithful believers and congregations being separated from unfaithful ones despite the association or denomination that they may be affiliated.
God takes His stand in His own congregation – Psalms 82:1
For many this may not be so encouraging but for me it is very encouraging and it also should be for the persecuted church that is much larger than the affluent and lesser persecuted Western church. It is also doctrinally sound and although many dispute last-day issues for the church, no can dispute that the above situation is quite common for many within the church.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Scott Brisk
Additional information: Lifestyle C is based in Pretoria (Gauteng), South Africa – We can accommodate any client(s) for requested lifestyle sessions at a venue that is convenient for both parties. You can contact Danie Strydom for professional life coaching and alignment.
Teachings by Jacob Prasch
Moriel YouTube Channel >>> John Haller’s Prophecy Updates >>> Be Alert Moriel Ministries >>> Audio Video >>> Prophecy Updates and Catching Up with Jacob Prasch >>> Jacob Prasch Oil in Your Lamps “HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church” Pre-Trib Confusion Part 1-3 by Jacob Prasch Elijah and The Olivet Discourse – Online…
Prophecy Updates, Teachings and Catching Up Jacob Prasch
John Haller’s Prophecy Updates >>> Be Alert Moriel Ministries >>> Professor John Lennox >>> Jacob Prasch Teachings >>> Fellowship Bible Chapel YouTube Channel >>> Fellowship Bible Chapel Teachings >>> Preke / Teachings YouTube >>> An Outline of Revelation 4, 5, 6 and 7. Including the Seals, Horsemen and the Interlude An Outline of Revelation 4,…
AW Tozer
AW Tozer YouTube Sermons >>> Aiden Wilson Tozer (April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963) was an American Christian pastor, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor.[1] For his accomplishments, he received honorary doctorates from Wheaton and Houghton colleges. Kompak Christelik – Compact Christian A Deeper Life by AW Tozer The…
C S Lewis
C S Lewis YouTube Sermons >>> Kompak Christelik – Compact Christian Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963) was a British writer and lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University (Magdalen College, 1925–1954) and Cambridge University (Magdalene College, 1954–1963). He is…
An Outline of Revelation 4, 5, 6 and 7. Including the Seals, Horsemen and the Interlude
“The Days of Awe” by Jacob Prasch
James Jacob Prasch examines the “The Terrible Days” of Israel, it’s holy days and how Jesus the Messiah fulfills their prophecy in Leviticus 23. #6/7sealrapture, #6/7seelwegraping, #70steweek, #70thweek, #7seals, #7seels, #christelikenetwerk, #christen, #christiannetwork, #eschatologypretoria, #jacobprasch, #johnhaller, #laastedae, #lastdays, 70 weeks of Daniel, Afrigting, Christelik, christian, christian lifestyle, Daniel, discern good and evil, Eskatologie, get oil for your lamp, Harpazo, john haller, kry olie vir die lampe, laaste dae, last days, Leefstylafrigting, Physical & Geopolitical Storms, profesie, prophecy, Prophecy Updates by John Haller, rapture, return…