Category: Theological Front
Will AI Make Men Like Gods? Oxford Professor John Lennox Responds

In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry sits down with Dr. John Lennox, mathematician, bioethicist, Christian apologist, and author of 2084 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, to discuss artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and life after death. CHAPTER MARKERS 00:00 – Yuval Noah Harari: Divine Abilities? 00:45 – Dr.…
No Balm in Gilead by Jacob Prasch
Romans by Jacob Prasch
Jerusalem – Jacob Prasch
Kompak Christelik – Compact Christian

Kompakte bladsy met skakels na relevante Christelike onderwerpe en nuutste opdaterings. Compact page with links to relevant Christian topics and recent updates. Lifestyle C Christian Page Fellowship Bible Chapel Teachings / John Haller’s Prophecy Update Preke / Teachings YouTube >>> Christelik Filosofies YouTube >>> E-Sword complete Bible study…
Wat is nou van belang vir die Liggaam / What is important for the Body now

Wat is nou van belang vir die Liggaam!? Alle fasette van Dogma met spesifieke fokus op korrekte Hermeneutiek, Pneumatologie, Eskatologie moet in plek wees. Alle fasette met spesifieke fokus op korrekte interpretasie van die Skrif, die werking van Die Heilige Gees en die laaste dae moet in plek wees. (Hermeneutiek,…
Colossians – Zoom Bible Study With Jacob Prasch
What Do You Believe – Dr Nagy Iskander (RTNTV)

Remnant Truth Network (RTNTV – What Do You Believe – Dr Nagy Iskander What is Science (1) Origin Science (2) Can it happen by chance (3) DNA (4) Fossils (5) The seven Cs of History (6) Creation or Evolution (7) The Complexity…