Christian Books

Christian Books / Christelike Boeke

Harpazo – The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church

When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob’s previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century.

Harpazo – The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church

When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often

either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob’s previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century.

Shadows of the Beast – By Jacob Prasch

“How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful Church”. This is not like so many books which attempt to name a specific person to be named as the Antichrist or to make a case

that the ultimate Antichrist can only come from a particular place or background. Scripture teaches us that he will be revealed to the faithful church by Christ, and this work provides the tools and background to accomplish this at the appointed time. It is highly recommended that this work be read in tandem with The Dilemma of Laodicea, Jacob’s book on the seven churches in Revelation which provides a platform for understanding how the spirit of antichrist has been at work during every age of the Church and particularly in this final age, which is characterized by the church at Laodicea.

The Final Words of Jesus – By Jacob Prasch

A thought-provoking book addressing vital issues facing the contemporary Church with new material on the “Purpose Driven” and the “Emergent Church”.

The Dilemma of Laodicea – By Jacob Prasch

There are “things which you have seen”, “things which are”, and “things which will take place”. The seven churches of the book of Revelation, which actually existed in the 1st century (“things which you have seen”), also represent seven broad types of churches that can exist at any time in history (“things which are”), and seven generally overlapping periods of church history (“things which will take place”). These letters to the seven churches of Asia can be applied in four main ways: They existed literally and historically at the end of the 1st century AD. They are seven types of churches which exist at any time throughout history. They represent seven types of churches that will exist at the end of the age. They correspond quite well to seven periods of church history. This book examines the history of the church in light of the letters of Jesus Christ to the seven churches in Asia, as recorded by John in his Revelations. Unless learning can be achieved from the errors of the past it is a sure thing that those errors will be repeated.

Grain For The Famine

Grain For the Famine offers some of Jacob’s most popular sermons. In this day when the Church is looking for a purpose and running to and fro looking for the next program and starving from these activities, Moriel offers Grain to satisfy that hunger for these last days.

More Grain for the Famine

With the rise and proliferation of false prophets and false teachers this has come true in our day. People are perishing for a lack of knowledge. Yet God promises in His Word that the righteous will never go without bread. In a follow up to Grain for the Famine, Moriel humbly offers More Grain for the Famine to feed the faithful in these last days.

The Challenge of Church Disciplinechurch discipline

The Challenge of Church Discipline. Contributing writers include Jacob Prasch, Bill Randles, David Royle, David Nathan, Jackie Alnor etc.

Product Details

Harpazo: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church

Oct 10, 2014 | Kindle eBook

$ 9 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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Shadows of the Beast

May 27, 2011 | Kindle eBook

by James Jacob Prasch
$ 9 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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The Dilemma of Laodicea

Aug 1, 2010 | Kindle eBook

by James Jacob Prasch
$ 8 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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More Grain for the Famine

Jan 1, 2002 | Kindle eBook

$ 7 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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The Final Words of Jesus and Satan’s Lies Today

Jun 1, 1999 | Kindle eBook

$ 7 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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The Daniel Factor

Sep 4, 2011 | Kindle eBook

by James Jacob Prasch
$ 5 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Product Details

Grain for the Famine

Jun 1, 1997 | Kindle eBook

$ 7 99 to buy Kindle Edition
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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

The Challenge of Church Disciplinechurch discipline

 The Challenge of Church Discipline is now available through Bread of Life Ministries for those in South Africa. Contributing writers include Jacob Prasch, Bill Randles, David Royle, David Nathan, Jackie Alnor etc.

Bill Randles

UpDated Book on False Prophets…(Bill Johnson,Mike Bickle)bill-randles-cover

In 1999 Bill Randles wrote a book, called “Beware the New Prophets”, subtitled”A Caution Regarding The Prophetic Movement”. He wanted to give the church a framework for understanding the whole subject of the gift of Prophecy and it’s relevance for today. Subjects included;

  • Are There Prophets in the Church today?
  • Who was William Branham ? Who are the Kansas City Prophets?
  • Where did the Prophetic Movement come from?
  • What are the tests of True and False Prophets?


Some of the characters he discussed besides William Branham and the Kansas City Prophets, were Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, John Wimber and the Vineyard Movement. Many found it helpful and practice as countless numbers of churches and believers have been deeply damaged by the influx of false Prophets which have been afflicting the church.

A dear friend challenged me to give the book an update, so I revised it adding the following chapters,

Introduction-What Will You Do In The End?

*Why I Wouldn’t Send  Any Kids to IHOP-(International House of Prayer)

*Todd Bentley- a Disaster in Discernemt and Morality

*Bill Johnson-Experienced Based Christianity

*The Slide Into The Occult


South Africa
Summerstrand Congregational Church Hall, 48 Erasmus Drive, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Alan McKenzie on 082 452-3278.
FB Link:

 Jesus is die EEN!

deur Johan Janse van Rensburg

Die “Emerging Church” is die gonswoord in die teologiese wêreld vandag. Die kerk moet – volgens die voorstanders van jesus-is-die-een Lifestyle C / Leefstyl Chierdie rigting – die evangeliese boodskap van die Bybel so aanpas dat dit in die behoeftes van die postmoderne mens voorsien. Die skrywer tree nugter en tog ferm met denkers uit hierdie oord in gesprek. Hy vind sy uitgangspunt in die waarhede van die Bybel, toets daarna die sienswyses van die emergent-skrywers hieraan en vra eindelik wat ons in die lig van die Skrif moet doen om die mens van die millennium in die kerk van Jesus Christus sy regmatige plek te laat inneem. Vir elkeen wat by vandag se gesprek oor die boodskap van die Bybel wil bybly – teoloë en belangstellende lidmate – is hierdie boek ’n moet.

“Die debat oor die ontluikende (“Emerging Church”) kerk en alles wat daarmee saamhang, verkeer in Suid-Afrika en onder gereformeerdes hier te lande nog in sy kinderskoene. Die verklaarde doel van die skrywer om krities-ontspanne en eerlik met mede-Christene oor die saak in gesprek te tree, sal hierdie debat beslis stimuleer. Ter wille van die eer van God of vanuit ’n motief van Soli Deo Gloria (in alles aan God alleen die eer) is so ’n gesprek noodsaaklik. Voorstanders van eerlike gesprekvoering in kerk en teologie in Suid-Afrika moet eenvoudig daarteen waak dat kritiek relevante gesprekskanale verstop. So ’n verskynsel strem die regte begrip vir mekaar en voortgaande reformasie in die kerk, ’n reformasie waarvan Johan ’n uitgesproke draer wil wees.”
Prof Piet Strauss: Voorsitter Moderamen – NG Kerk : Aug 2011

Aanhaling daaruit:

“In Suid-Afrika het invloedryke leiers soos prof Nelus Niemandt en prof Stephan Joubert ook reeds op dié idees van die EC ingekoop. In sy boek “Nuwe drome vir nuwe werklikhede” bespreek Nelus die gedagtes en metodes van die EC sonder om een word van kritiek daaroor uit te spreek. Dit is vir hom ’n nuwe droom vir die nuwe postmoderne werklikheid wat ons vandag beleef. Daar word vrylik aanhalings uit emergent-leiers gemaak. Stephan Joubert skryf die voorwoord tot die boek en sê onder andere: “My kop is geswaai.” Niemandt en Joubert verskyn ook op die lys van dissipels van die EC. As sulke geliefde en invloedryke teoloë al op die idees van die EC ingekoop het, flikker die gevaarligte baie duidelik.

Nelus Niemandt het weer die voorwoord vir Stephan Joubert se nuwe boek oor Jesus (Jesus – ’n radikale sprong) geskryf. Stephan is klaarblyklik beïnvloed deur Brian McLaren se idee dat ons die Bybelse Jesus moet “reframe”. Die titel van die boek en die inhoud daarvan veronderstel dat ons ’n radikale sprong moet gee om by die ware Jesus uit te kom.

Natuurlik wil ek vir geen oomblik voorgee dat hierdie gerespekteerde Suid-Afrikaanse teoloë alles onderskryf wat deur die Amerikaanse voorstanders van die EC geskryf word nie. Daarom is dit moeilik om te aanvaar dat hulle in dieselfde kamp as Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren of Rob Bell teregkom. Tóg is daar persoonlike kontak tussen hulle en het Stephan in ’n toespraak by die gemeente Kempton-Kruin gesê dat hy homself by iemand soos Rob Bell en die emergent-beweging vind.

Wanneer die name van hierdie bekende kerklike figure genoem word, word dit maklik as verdagmakery bestempel. Die enigste rede waarom hulle in hierdie boek bespreek word, is om die oop teologiese gesprek met hulle voort te sit en hoegenaamd nie om hulle verdag te maak nie. Die feit is immers dat hulle in hulle eie woorde baie duidelik op sekere sleutelgedagtes van die EC ingekoop het en dit propageer. Daarbenewens versuim hulle om die radikaal-afwykende beskouing van die “emergent”-skrywers wat hulle aanhaal, te korrigeer.”

NG Kerk: Reformeer of… Disintegreer? – Pieter Pelser

Lees die boek NG Kerk: Reformeer of… Disintegreer? deur Pieter Pelser hier (1.5MB).

Opgestaan deur Ferdie Mulder

Ferdie Mulder se eerste boek : Opgestaanverskyn Julie 2011

Sedert veral die jaar 2000 is daar voortdurend debatte in Suid-Afrika oor of Jesus regtig uit die dood opgestaan het, en of dit nie eerder as ʼn metafoor verstaan moet word nie. In hierdie boek neem Ferdie Mulder gelowiges op ʼn agter-die-skerms reis om beter te verstaan hoe hierdie saak tot onlangs toe by top universiteite verloop het.

Hy vertel aangrypende, maar ook skokkende verhale van sommige studente se ontnugterings, dosente se uitsprake, en ook die kontroversie rondom die gewraakte petisie waarin ʼn groep studente Jesus se liggaamlike opstanding bely het. Mulder, die inisieerder daarvan is uiteindelik verbied deur die NG Kerk om predikant te word, en is ook lewenslank geskors van Tukkies se Fakulteit Teologie, nadat hy tydens dissiplinêre verhore skuldig bevind is. Hierdie boek is nie net ‘n uitdaging aan die leser om sy of haar eie posisie aangaande Jesus se opstanding te heroorweeg nie, maar ook ʼn aangrypend getuienis van hoe die krag van God, wat Jesus uit die graf opgewek het,vandag nog met ons is om hoop, vergifnis en versoening te bewerk.

Die boek is egter beslis ook kontroversieel, omdat dit moontlik opspraakwekkende getuienis wat tydens die onderskeie verhore na vore gekom het bespreek. Hierdie is ʼn moet lees boek vir almal wat wonder en worstel oor Jesus en gelowiges se opstanding, en ook vir diegene wat meer wil weet oor wat presies in Afrikaanse kerke gebeur het tussen 2000-2006 wat betref die opstanding van Jesus.

Kontak : On The Dot vir bestellings by 021-9188810 / 0861 668368 /
ISBN: 978-1-4316-0068-7

Die Trojaanse Perd in die NG Kerk

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Bestellings by Chris Groenewald: e-pos:

of faks: 012-993-4106

’n Voëlvlug oor die hoofstukke van die boek en Vrae en Antwoorde

Glo die Bybel >>>

Books by Dr. H D Mouton

Evolusie – Evolution (Exposed)

1. Verken Lewenswetenskappe verder – ‘n kritiese evaluering van evolusie

168 bladsye, 1ste druk Augustus 2009
Biologiese evolusie, soos aan graad 12’s aan-gebied in Suid-Afrika, word bespreek en weerlê.

2. Skepping & Evolusie – onversoenbaar!

468 bladsye, 3de druk Junie 2007Skepping-Evolusie3 Lifestyle C / Leefstyl C
Skepping teenoor evolusie, soos ter sprake in feitlik alle toepaslike velde, word bespreek en evolusie word aangetoon om wetenskaplik onverdedigbaar te wees.

Belangstellendes kan kontak vir navrae.

Die boek Skepping & Evolusie – Onversoenbaar! deur Hennie Mouton kan hier gratis afgelaai word:

Kliek hier om af te laai.

The Global Vision Channel – GEOLOGY

Relevant to the Times / Relevant tot die tyd waarin ons leef

  • The Final Words of Jesus (Second Edition available) (Jacob Prasch)
  • What Love Is This? (Dave Hunt)
  • Making War In The Heavenlies (Bill Randles)
  • Grain For The Famine and More Grain For The Famine (Jacob Prasch)
  • The Dilemma of Laodicea (James Jacob Prasch)
  • Beware the New Prophets (Bill Randles)
  • Weighed And Found Wanting (Bill Randles)
  • Mending The Nets (Bill Randles)
  • Books from Understand the Times (Roger Oakland)
    Faith Undone, by Roger Oakland
    Table of Contents
    Faith Undone – Chapter by Chapter Synopsis
    Let There By Light – Order >>>Topics This Book Addresses:
    – Biblical creation versus Darwinian evolution
    – Russia’s openness to the Gospel after the fall of the USSR
    – A plan by the Catholic church to absorb Protestantism
    – The connection between evolution and the New Age
    – How the Christian church is being lured into a one-world religion that is prophesied in   the Bible
    – Contrasting the Light of the World to the darkness of this age
    – The role mysticism is playing in end times deception
    – How Christian leaders are ignoring the study of Bible prophecy

Questions this book answers:
– What is real science?
– Is Darwinian theory scientific?
– Is spiritual deception talked about in the Bible?
– What is the Catholic Eucharistic Evangelization plan?
– What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
– What is the essential ingredient for true revival?
– Are signs-and-wonders revivals like the Toronto Blessing biblical?
– Why do many Christian pastors and leaders avoid talking about spiritual deception?
– Does the Bible mandate Christians to warn against spiritual deception?

Shadows of the Beast (Jacob Prasch)


“How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful Church”. Jacob has produced a completely unique book on the Antichrist whose twenty or so chapters are organized into six major parts:

Part One:               The Spirit of the Antichrist
Part Two:               The Many Antichrists—Biblical
Part Three:            The Many Antichrists—Historical
Part Four:              The Milieu of the Antichrist
Part Five:               The False Prophet
Part Six:                The Final Antichrist

This is not like so many books which attempt to name a specific person to be named as the Antichrist or to make a case that the ultimate Antichrist can only come from a particular place or background. Scripture teaches us that he will be revealed to the faithful church by Christ, and this work provides the tools and background to accomplish this at the appointed time.

It is highly recommended that this work be read in tandem with The Dilemma of Laodicea, Jacob’s book on the seven churches in Revelation which provides a platform of understanding how the spirit of antichrist has been at work during every age of the Church and particularly in this final age characterized by the church at Laodicea.

Table of Content:

The Great Myth
Part One: The Spirit of the Antichrist
Part Two: The Many Antichrists – Biblical
Part Three: The Many Antichrists – Historical
Part Four: The Milieu of the Antichrist
Part Five: The False Prophet
Part Six: The Final Antichrist

The Dilemma of Laodicea (Jacob Prasch)


There are “things which you have seen“, “things which are“, and “things which will take place“.

The seven churches of the book of Revelation, which actually existed in the 1st Century (“things which you have seen“), also represent seven broad types of churches that can exist at any time in history (“things which are“), and seven generally overlapping periods of church history (“things which will take place“). These letters to the seven churches of Asia can be applied in four main ways:

  • They existed literally and historically at the end of the 1st Century A.D.
  • They are seven types of churches which exist at any time throughout history.
  • They represent seven types of churches that will exist at the end of the age.
  • They correspond quite well to seven periods of church history.

This book examines the history of the church in light of the letters of Jesus Christ to the seven churches in Asia, as recorded by John in his Revelations. Unless learning can be achieved from the errors of the past it is a sure thing that those errors will be repeated.

Books by Andrew Murray

Copyright: Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Description: The following papers were in substance delivered by the author in a series of addresses at the Northfield Conference of 1895, but later rewritten and revised by him for this permanent and authorized publication.

Master’s Indwelling (Pdf)

Books and Charts

Clarence Larkin

Oswald Chambers

Dave Hunt

  • A Cup of Trembling: Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy
  • An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith: A Prophetic Alarm for the Bride of Christ
  • A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days
  • The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon
  • Judgment Day! Islam, Israel and the Nations
  • Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views by Dave Hunt and James White
  • Countdown to the Second Coming
  • Psychology and the Church: Critical Questions, Crucial Answers by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon
  • Other Books and to order: The Berean Call Book Store
  • Peace Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust book

What Love Is This? 

Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God

Front Cover
Dave Hunt
Berean Call

Many sincere, Bible-believing Christians are Calvinists only by default. Thinking that the only choice is between Calvinism (with its presumed doctrine of eternal security) and Arminianism (with its teaching that salvation can be lost), and confident of Christ’s promise to keep eternally those who believe in Him, they therefore consider themselves to be Calvinists.

It takes only a few simple questions to discover that most Christians are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practiced. Nor do they fully understand what most of today’s leading Calvinists believe.

Although there are disputed variations of the Calvinist doctrine, among its chief proponents (whom we quote extensively in context) there is general agreement on certain core beliefs. Many evangelicals who think they are Calvinists will be surprised to learn of Calvin’s belief in salvation through infant baptism and of his grossly un-Christian behavior, at times, as the “Protestant Pope” of Geneva, Switzerland. Most shocking of all, however, is Calvinism’s misrepresentation of God, who “is love.”

It is our prayer that this volume will enable readers to examine more carefully the vital issues involved and to follow God’s holy Word­–not man’s teachings. “The first edition of this book was greeted by fervent opposition and criticism from Calvinists. In this enlarged and revised edition I have endeavored to respond to the critics.” –Dave Hunt


TULIP and the Bible is available as a Kindle book at Amazon.

Thousands of readers have been wonderfully and powerfully influenced by Dave Hunt’s authoritative, 590-page hardcover treatise on Calvinism, What Love Is This? but many have asked for a more concise analysis of “reformed” theology.

After years of popular demand, TBC is pleased to offer this resource, designed to help believers navigate the confusing and conflicting views surrounding the Five Points of Calvinism, commonly known by the acronym, T.U.L.I.P.

Presented in an attractive, easy-to-read 5×7 paperback (and “trimmed down” to just 190 pages) are Dave’s essential comments on the Five Points—extracted from the pages of What Love Is This? and beautifully arranged for greater accessibility.

Some readers may never have heard of T.U.L.I.P. others, though knowing that it has something to do with Calvinism, find it difficult to remember what each letter represents:

  • “T” stands for : Total Depravity
  • “U” stands for: Unconditional Election
  • “L” stands for: Limited Atonement
  • “I” stands for: Irresistible Grace
  • “P” stands for: Perseverance of the Saints

Quoting from the major Calvinistic creeds or confessions (including actual citations and context from the Canons of Dort and the Westminster Confession of Faith), Dave Hunt proceeds to dissect the “sacred” T.U.L.I.P. one petal at a time—exposing each of Calvin’s five points to the light of Scripture as a workman “rightly dividing the word of truth.” With reformed theology and reconstructionism enjoying a recent resurgence among young adult ministries and across denominational boundaries, TBC is pleased to offer this long-awaited resource at an attractive price for owning, sharing, and giving. Ask about case quantity discounts!

Excerpted from Dave Hunt’s bestselling book What Love Is This?, TBC has created a series of smaller, more digestible portions highlighting specific aspects of Calvinism. Other titles in the series include:

  • A Calvinist’s Honest Doubts Resolved by Reason and God’s Amazing Grace
  • Calvin’s Tyrannical Kingdom – Geneva’s Experiment in Christian Dominionism


Does the Bible present a gospel which can only be understood by a select group of theologians?

This power-packed presentation captures the essence of Dave Hunt’s book of the same title and provides a succinct historical overview for a careful analysis of the issues involved. The system resulting from Augustine’s role in the theology of Luther and Calvin may be seen as nothing other than a doctrinal superimposition upon the Scriptures and a misrepresentation of God, who is love.


Many sincere, Bible-believing Christian are “Calvinists” only by default. Thinking that the only choice is between Calvinism (with its presumed doctrine of eternal security) and Arminianism (with its teaching that salvation can be lost), and confident of Christ’s promise to keep eternally those who believe in Him, they therefore consider themselves to be Calvinists. It takes only a few simple questions to discover that most Christians are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practiced. Nor do they fully understand the eternal implications and ramifications of what most of today’s leading Calvinists preach and teach. 

Among Calvinist’s chief proponents there is general agreement on certain core beliefs. Many evangelicals who think they are Calvinists would be surprised to learn of Calvin’s belief in salvation through infant baptism, and of his grossly un-Christian behavior, at times, as the “Protestant Pope” of Geneva, Switzerland.

Most shocking of all is Calvinism‘s misrepresentation of God who “is love.”


Debating Calvinism – Five Points, Two Views is available for Kindle at

Calvinism has been a topic of intense discussion for centuries. In this lively debate, two passionate thinkers take opposite sides, providing valuable responses to the most frequently asked questions about Calvinism. Only you can decide where you stand on questions that determine how you think about your salvation.

Is God free to love anyone He wants? Do you have any choice in your own salvation?

“This book deserves to be read carefully by anyone interested in the true nature of God.” —Tim LaHaye, bestselling author of the Left Behind series

“In this debate, you will find a much better understanding of what each side is teaching.” —Chuck Smith, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

Dave Hunt was an internationally known author and lecturer whose best selling books have been translated into more than forty languages. He passed away in 2013.

James White, director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, is the author of Letters to a Mormon Elder and The King James Only Controversy. He holds advanced degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and Columbia Evangelical Seminary.

Table of Contents:

  1. Calvinism Affirmed
  2. Calvinism Denied
  3. God’s Eternal Decree
  4. Man’s Inability
  5. Unconditional Election
  6. Jesus Teaches the Doctrines of Grace
  7. The Golden Chain of Redemption
  8. Particular Redemption: True Atonement, True Substitution
  9. Irresistible Grace: God Saves Without Fail
  10. Calvin and Augustine: Two Jonahs Who Sink the Ship
  11. The Central Issue: God’s Love and Character
  12. Regeneration before Faith and Salvation?
  13. Turning the Bible into a Charade
  14. God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Will
  15. Salvation Offered to All
  16. Biblical Assurance of Salvation

General / Algemeen

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs >>>

Recommended Bibles:
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling, Bybel (AOV)
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

Keil and Delitzsch
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

Concordances and Dictionaries:
Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries
Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definitions
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance
Webster 1828 Dictionary
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

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Lifestyle C is based in Pretoria (Gauteng), South Africa – We can accommodate any client(s) for requested lifestyle sessions at a venue that is convenient for both parties. You can Contact Danie Strydom for professional life coaching and alignment.

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