Are you on your way to achieve a 21st Century Lifestyle successfully?
Contact us for a professional analysis, evaluation
and aligning of your present lifestyle.
Danie Strydom
Independent Life Coach (Strategist) and lifestyle alignment Consultant
More than 37 Years of involvement with Training on all levels;
Training Consultant (Higher Diploma with Training Management)
Lt-Colonel SAPS 1998 (Retired)
South African Professional Tennis Coach;
European Golf Teachers Federation Diploma Course (EGTF – 2000);
Mobile: 082 779 2431
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Additional information: Lifestyle C is based in Pretoria (Gauteng), South Africa – We can accommodate any client(s) for requested lifestyle sessions at a venue that is convenient for both parties. You can contact Danie Strydomfor professional life coaching and alignment. Life Coaching Pretoria. Ketopretoria. Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Durban, Cape Town etc.
Gaan na Gesonde Leefstyl Bladsy / Go to Healthy Lifestyle Page
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