Dispensations and Covenants – James Jacob Prasch
A Short reflection on Dispensationalism / Covenant Theology / Reformed Baptists / Darby / Scofield / Tulip / Calvinism / The Old and New Testament the correct view!
‘n Oorsig oor Dispensasie Teologie / Verbondsteologie / Gereformeerde Baptiste / Darby / Scofield / Tulip / Calvinisme / Ou en Nuwe Testament die regte beskouing!
En die vyeboom bot! The Fig Tree is in Blossom!
Eschatology >>>
We have to get oil!
Die tyd raak min, maak maar seker jou eskatologiese vertrekpunte is korrek!
We have to have discernment when talking about Eschatology withstanding the apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. With the Conviction that ……