Eskatologie / Eschatology

Ons moet onderskeiding hê wanneer ons oor Eskatologie praat aangesien ons in daardie tydperk is waaroor die Woord van die Here waarsku voor die Here se terugkeer wat gekenmerk word deur misleiding!

Die huidige gebeure in die Midde-Ooste, Europa en die res van die wêreld maak hierdie tydperk waarin ons nou is anders as enige vorige era waar mense gedink het dat hulle in die laaste dae was. Ons bevestig dat Jesus weer kom en dat vervulling van profesieë rondom Jesus se terugkeer al hoe duideliker word.

Met Israel terug in hul land in 1948 en die Jode terug in Jerusalem sedert 1967 word profesie al hoe duideliker vervul. Die waarskuwing aan die afvallige Kerk word ook al hoe duideliker as ons die Woord van God vergelyk met die bestaande praktyk en sien hoe die Kerk in die praktyk weg van Die Here en Sy Woord beweeg! In hierdie tydperk voor die Here se terugkeer moet ons nie onkundig wees rondom wat die Woord van God sê rondom die gebeure en verloop daarvan voor die terugkeer van die Here nie.

Dank aan Jacob Prasch (Sy boeke Shadows of The Beast en Harpazo het bygedra tot hierdie beskouing van die Eskatologie in die lig van goeie Hermeneutiek), John Haller vir die gebruik van sy Kaarte en Prente. Dank aan almal wat in hierdie proses van ontwikkeling van die 70ste Week van Daniel Tydlyn Kaart betrokke was op watter manier ookal.

Mat 24:3 En toe Hy op die Olyfberg gaan sit het, kom die dissipels alleen na Hom en sê: Vertel ons, wanneer sal hierdie dinge wees, en wat is die teken van u koms en van die voleinding van die wêreld?
Mat 24:4 En Jesus antwoord en sê vir hulle: Pas op dat niemand julle mislei nie.

We have to have discernment when talking about Eschatology withstanding the apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. With the Conviction that contemporary events in The Middle East, Europe, and in the church make the present time in history different from other eras when people thought it was the last days. We affirm the belief that Jesus is coming again and prophecy of His return is radically being fulfilled increasingly.

With Israel back in the Holy Land since 1948 and the Jews back in Jerusalem since 1967 prophecy is being fulfilled increasingly and the increasing apostasy in the contemporary church confirms the words of Jesus that we should be careful not to be led astray! So to be vigilant we must have knowledge about the end times and what The  Word of God says about events and sequence regarding the return of The Lord.

Thanks to Jacob Prasch (His Books, Shadows of The Beast and Harpazo has assisted us to develop this view of Eschatology in light of good hermeneutics), John Haller for the use of his Charts and Pictures. Thanks to everyone who assisted in this process of developing this view of the 70th Week of Daniel’s Timeline Chart.

Mat 24:3 And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man lead you astray.


Eskatologie – Daniel se 70ste Week Tydlyn

Eschatology – Daniel’s 70th Week Timeline

Clarence Larkin Daniel and Revelation

(Rapture aspect not Pretrib though but 6/7 seal)

Larkin Daniel and Revelation Lifestyle C / Leefstyl C

Clarence Larkin teken die laaste dae se afspeel en korrelasie tussen Daniel en Openbaring baie goed. Hy beeld dit goed uit vir iemand wat in die 1920’s oorlede is. Sy begrip van die beskouing van die Skrif in verband met die laaste dae was veel beter as die meeste mense vandag. Ek praat nie van ongelowiges nie!

Sy plasing van die wegraping sou heel waarskynlik as hy vandag geleef het verder in die verdrukking in geplaas word en moontlik ook tussen die 6de en 7de seël soos wat sekere mense op hierdie stadium ingelig beredeneer. Die een rede waarom dit oorweeg word is dat ‘n metafoor vir die groot verdrukking ’n verwysing na die nag is. Dit is interessant dat daar verskeie verwysings is dat die Here in die nag sal terugkom! Die 10 meisies het geslaap voor hulle wakker gemaak is en hulle het lampe nodig gehad asook ekstra olie! Ekstra olie anders sal jy nie gereed wees nie. Verskeie ander redes en feitlike beredenerings hiervan word hier voorgehou. Oorweeg dit baie mooi!

Onthou die Here kan enige tyd vir ons afsonderlik kom en dan kom die Here weer vir die 2de keer en hierdie huidige dispensasie sal dan eindig soos ons dit ken. Soos ons die tyd sien nader kom moet ons erns maak met die Woord van die Here rondom die afspeel van hierdie gebeure in die laaste dae.

Mattheus 24:32  En leer van die vyeboom hierdie gelykenis: Wanneer sy tak al sag word en sy blare uitbot, weet julle dat die somer naby is.

Mattheus 24:33  So weet julle ook, wanneer julle ál hierdie dinge sien, dat dit naby is, voor die deur.


Mattheus 25:1  Dan sal die koninkryk van die hemele wees soos tien maagde wat hulle lampe geneem en uitgegaan het om die bruidegom te ontmoet.

Lukas 12:35  Laat julle heupe omgord wees en julle lampe aan die brand.

Lukas 12:36  En julle moet wees soos mense wat op hulle heer wag wanneer hy van die bruilof terugkom, sodat hulle dadelik vir hom kan oopmaak as hy kom en aanklop.

Lukas 12:37  Gelukkig is daardie diensknegte vir wie die heer wakker sal vind as hy kom. Voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, hy sal hom omgord en hulle aan tafel laat gaan en hulle kom bedien.

Lukas 12:38  En as hy in die tweede of in die derde nagwaak kom, en dit so vind gelukkig is daardie diensknegte.

Lukas 12:39  Maar weet dit: as die huisheer geweet het in watter uur die dief sou kom, sou hy gewaak het en nie in sy huis laat inbreek het nie.

Lukas 12:40  Julle moet dan ook gereed wees, omdat die Seun van die mens kom op ‘n uur dat julle dit nie verwag nie.

Lukas 12:41  Toe sê Petrus vir Hom: Here, vertel U hierdie gelykenis vir ons of ook vir almal?

Lukas 12:42  En die Here antwoord: Wie is dan die getroue en verstandige bestuurder wat die heer oor sy diensvolk sal aanstel om hulle rantsoen op tyd te gee?

Lukas 12:43  Gelukkig is daardie dienskneg vir wie sy heer, as hy kom, só besig sal vind.

Lukas 12:44  Waarlik, Ek sê vir julle, hy sal hom oor al sy besittings aanstel.

Lukas 12:45  Maar as daardie dienskneg in sy hart sê: My heer talm om te kom, en hy die diensknegte en diensmaagde begin slaan, en begin eet en drink en dronk word,

Lukas 12:46  dan sal die heer van daardie dienskneg kom op ‘n dag dat hy dit nie verwag nie, en op ‘n uur dat hy dit nie weet nie, en sal hom pynig en hom ‘n deelgenoot maak van die ontroues.

Wat is nou van belang vir die Liggaam / What is important for the Body now

Jacob Prasch Oil in Your Lamps

2 Petrus 3:10  Maar die dag van die Here sal kom soos ‘n dief in die nag, waarin die hemele met gedruis sal verbygaan en die elemente sal brand en vergaan, en die aarde en die werke wat daarop is, sal verbrand.

Sal ons gereed wees as Hy kom? Die vrou in Hooglied was nie. Interessant dat sy toe uitkom en haar hande drup toe self met mirre en sy word in die strate geslaan en gewond en die mantel afgeneem!! Die 5 meisies wat nie ekstra olie het nie gaan vervolg word en volgens hierdie konteks en Mattheus 24 nie ingelaat word as hulle nie gereed is vir die Here as Hy kom nie. Kry tog asseblief olie!

Hooglied 5:2  Ek het geslaap, maar my hart het gewaak. Hoor, my beminde klop: Maak vir my oop, my suster, my vriendin, my duif, my volmaakte! Want my hoof is vol dou, my haarlokke vol nagdruppels.

Hooglied 5:3  Ek het my kleed uitgetrek, hoe kan ek dit weer aantrek? Ek het my voete gewas, hoe kan ek dit weer vuil maak?

Hooglied 5:4  My beminde het sy hand deur die deuropening gesteek; toe het my binneste oor hom in beroering gekom;

Hooglied 5:5  ek het opgestaan om vir my beminde oop te maak, terwyl my hande drup van mirre en my vingers van vloeiende mirre op die handvatsels van die grendel.

Hooglied 5:6  Ek het vir my beminde oopgemaak, maar my beminde het weggedraai, verbygegaan; ek het my besinning verloor toe hy gespreek het; ek het na hom gesoek, maar hom nie gevind nie; ek het na hom geroep, maar hy het my nie geantwoord nie.

Hooglied 5:7  Die wagte wat in die stad rondgaan, het my aangetref; hulle het my geslaan, my gewond; die wagte by die mure het my mantel van my afgeneem.

The Wise and Foolish Virgins – Jacob Prasch

The LampLight Project

The Famous or Notorious Antichrist Chapter by Jacob Prasch

Openbaring Skematies Uiteengesit >>>

Openbaring 7 Gemeentes 

Understanding Eschatology (By Jacob Prasch)

There are four ways to understand eschatology, four ways to understand Last Days prophecy in Western theological thought:

Preterism says these things already happened and have no future meaning, that they already happened in the Early Church or whatever and they have no future meaning. Revelation has no future meaning in this view at it has all happened already. This is the eschatology of the Kingdom-Now people who say there will be no Antichrist, no falling away, no Rapture, that the Church will go from strength to strength, and Satan is bound. (If Satan is bound I want to know who keeps letting him go.) Additionally they say that the church is going to conquer the whole world for Christ before He comes. Now it is not logical to believe such nonsense, but there is not much logic in the people who preach such nonsense. This is Preterism.

There are two forms of Preterists. First are the liberals, the unsaved so-called theologians. What they say is, “Well, Isaiah could not have known a king named Cyrus would come along 200 years later and send the Jews back to Israel from the Captivity in Isaiah 44-45, so therefore Isaiah could not have written the book of Isaiah. It had to be somebody they call “Deutero-Isaiah” who came along after the fact and took something that already happened and made it look like a prediction called an “ex vatacina interpolation.” Their presupposition is, “We cannot be sure there is a God, if there is He does not know the future, and even if He did He would not tell Isaiah, so therefore Isaiah and Daniel could not have been so accurate in what was predicted. Somebody had to come along hundreds of years later and make believe.” That is what the liberals say.
Then we have Historicism. There are people who say they are born again, who are Evangelicals, who believe in a form of Preterism, and these are the ones who say that Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation were fulfilled in 70 A.D.

Historicism is what some of the Reformers believed. They would say, “Well, there are many antichrists; we should not look for these two people in the book of Revelation, that is simply literary illustration. The papacy is an ongoing institution – it is an antichrist institution; so every Pope is the Antichrist.” You go to Northern Ireland, the Presbyterians believe this. They go so far as to say “the restrainer” in  2 Thessalonians 2:7 who restrains Antichrist from coming was pagan Rome and when the Visigoths conquered pagan Rome in the 5th Century, then the papacy came to power. That is how far they take it. The restrainer is the Holy Spirit, but they actually say it was imperial pagan Rome. This is Historicism.

Then there is Poemicism. Poemicism says, “Well, the book of Revelation is only poetry. It is given only to encourage the Church that Jesus will come back one day. It is given to encourage us at times of persecution. We should not take it as having any specific meaning, it is like poetry. It is just to cheer us up when things are tough.” Lutherans go with this. Luther basically rejected the book of Revelation and so Lutherans are stuck with the fact that the founder of their church did not like it. So what are they going to do with it? Well, it is poetry to them.

Then there is Futurism. Futurists are people like the late Barry Smith, and Hal Lindsay and these people say that there will be an Antichrist, there will be a mark of the beast, there will be a falling away.

Teachings Video / Audio / Books

Jacob Prasch

Jacob Prasch – 70 Weeks Of Daniel >>>

Apocalypse Conference in Greece

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 1 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference in Greece 2 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference Part 3 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 4 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 5 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 6 of 7

Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 7 of 7

The Rapture >>>

Who is the Restrainer >>>

The Restrainer >>>

Michael is not the Restrainer >>>

Apocalypse Conference in Greece by Jacob Prasch (Revelation and Eschatology)

Paul Dorgan End Times Series

End Times Seminar Session 1 – Introduction & Millennium

End Times Seminar Session 2 – Prophecy of the 70 Weeks


End Times Seminar Session 3 – Four Views of the Rapture

End Times Seminar Session 4 – The Day of the Lord

End Times Seminar Session 5 – Chronology of 70th Week

End Times Seminar Session 6 – Three Distinct Periods of 70th Week

End Times Seminar Session 7 – The Beginning Wrath of God

End Times Seminar Session 8 – The Final Wrath of God

(We don’t agree with the mention of John MacArthur in a positive light throughout his seminar with regard to his doctrine)

(The only concern here is that we don’t see Michael as the “Restrainer” but we currently have it to be the Holy Spirit with regard to the “Out-poured” function which will cease)

Overview of Jacob”s Latest Book “HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church”

Overview of the Book “Harpazo” by Jacob Prasch

Jacob”s latest book, titled “HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church” has been a work in progress for more than three years. Other Books: The Dilemma of Laodicea, Shadows of the Beast, and now Harpazo all help to understand the Last Days of the Church better and in the right context.

What Does “Intra-Seal” Mean?

Every eschatology is first and foremost defined by its proposed timing of the Rapture in relationship to the Tribulation. We will find individual exceptions and nuanced positions, but in general, “Pre-Tribulationism” believes the Harpazo takes place before the entire final seven-year Tribulation, “Post-Tribulationism” asserts it occurs at the end (most usually transitioning from the Tribulation to the Millennial Reign), and “Pre-Wrath” that it takes place between the 6th and 7th seals. Eschatology books still give a passing nod to “Mid-Tribulationism” which believes it takes place at the exact midway point, but in truth it”s been a very long time since I met anyone actually holding this position, as they mostly seem to have migrated to the “Pre-Wrath” camp.

Many of you familiar with Jacob”s teaching, as you read the above, may have nodded your head knowingly with the notion that Jacob teaches the Pre-Wrath position. Actually, he does not. The problem is that while the timing of the Rapture is the major defining event which gives each position their name, there are many, many, many other End Times events beside the timing of the Rapture which they all define differently. While Jacob is in fundamental agreement with the Pre-Wrath position as to its definition of “the day of the Lord” and the placement of the timing of the Harpazo between the 6th and 7th seal, there are a significant number of Pre-Wrath interpretations on a wide variety of other things with which he does not, and some of them result in important doctrinal distinctions. As Jacob overtly states more than once in the book, he shares common points of agreement to a degree with brethren holding each of these competing views, but at the same time experiences disagreement on many other issues, and such sometimes matter significantly to the point of shaping other areas of doctrine and theology. Eschatology is not only limited to the timing of the Rapture but embraces many related issues and events as well.

For instance, as but one example, while Jacob provides that the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2 is the Holy Spirit, it”s hard to find Pre-Wrath advocates who do not alternatively maintain that this is instead the archangel Michael. In other words, because of a large attraction to the Pre-Wrath position by many holding to Cessationism, there is a fundamental dissimilarity in theology when it comes to the Holy Spirit which, in our opinion, is no small thing. Likewise, there are those subscribing to other eschatologies who affirm that the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit, who subsequently speak of the Holy Spirit “returning” to heaven (which is impossible for a member of the Godhead) and yet asserting that in the Holy Spirit”s absence there will be those who somehow get saved without Him. This is but one example where a position on eschatology undermines the more fundamental doctrines associated with pneumatology (the Holy Spirit) and soteriology (salvation).

So the intention of identifying the book as “Intra-Seal” is to call attention not just to the sole, singular issue of where the timing of the Harpazo falls within Jacob”s overall teaching, but to serve as a platform to establish the scriptural basis for all the elements related to the doctrine of the Harpazo and Resurrection, or more specifically what Scripture refers to as the “Parousia” Christ”s appearing wherein “anastasia” (“resurrection”) of those asleep in Christ and “harpazo” of those alive at the time equals “episunagoge” our gathering together with Him. If the only thing each eschatology addressed was the timing of the Harpazo, it would make the overall discussion much easier, but the fact is that each view proceeds from there to engage contrasting interpretations not just of the identity of the Restrainer, but of nearly every element of the Last Days such as the Two Witnesses, the role of Israel, the 144,000, the identity of the Antichrist, and on and on and on.

Jacob Prasch

Jacob Prasch – Shadow of the Beast >>>

Jacob Prasch – “Prophecy Update” >>>

Jacob Prasch – The Antichrist >>>

Jacob Prasch – Daniel Chapters 11 & 12 >>>

Jacob Prasch  – The Seven Woes >>>

Jacob Prasch – The Current Apostate Church >>>

Jacob Prasch – Oil in Your Lamps >>>

Jacob Prasch – End Time Vectors >>>

Jacob Prasch – The Antichrist Is Coming 1 of 2 >>>

Jacob Prasch – The Antichrist Is Coming 2 of 2 >>>

2015 Moriel Conf w/ Jacob Prasch #2 Harpazo: The Rapture, Don’t Divide >>>


Jacob Prasch – LAST DAYS CHRISTIAN GENERATION….. sermon >>>

Jacob Prasch Parables Wheat and Tares 1 of 7 >>>

Boeke / Books

Harpazo – The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church

When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob’s previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century.

Shadows of the Beast – By Jacob Prasch

“How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful Church”. This is not like so many books which attempt to name a specific person to be named as the Antichrist or to make a case that the ultimate Antichrist can only come from a particular place or background. Scripture teaches us that he will be revealed to the faithful church by Christ, and this work provides the tools and background to accomplish this at the appointed time. It is highly recommended that this work be read in tandem with The Dilemma of Laodicea, Jacob’s book on the seven churches in Revelation which provides a platform for understanding how the spirit of antichrist has been at work during every age of the Church and particularly in this final age, which is characterized by the church at Laodicea.

The Dilemma of Laodicea – By Jacob Prasch

There are “things which you have seen”, “things which are”, and “things which will take place”. The seven churches of the book of Revelation, which actually existed in the 1st century (“things which you have seen”), also represent seven broad types of churches that can exist at any time in history (“things which are”), and seven generally overlapping periods of church history (“things which will take place”). These letters to the seven churches of Asia can be applied in four main ways: They existed literally and historically at the end of the 1st century AD. They are seven types of churches which exist at any time throughout history. They represent seven types of churches that will exist at the end of the age. They correspond quite well to seven periods of church history. This book examines the history of the church in light of the letters of Jesus Christ to the seven churches in Asia, as recorded by John in his Revelations. Unless learning can be achieved from the errors of the past it is a sure thing that those errors will be repeated.

Clarence Larkin >>>

His work has been duly noted for a man who went to be with the Lord on January 24, 1924. His position of the Rapture I am sure would be more inclined to the current Pre-Warath Intra Seal Rapture as seen currently. His position was Pre-Tribulational. His Charts are quite helpful when studying the prophetic books graphically.

American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher, and writer, Clarence Larkin was born October 28, 1850, in Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He was born again at the age of 19 and then felt called to the ministry, but the doors of opportunity for study and ministry did not open immediately. He then got a job in a bank.

When he was 21 years old, he left the bank and went to college, graduating as a mechanical engineer. He continued as a professional draftsman for a while, then he became a teacher of the blind. This last endeavor cultivated his descriptive faculties — something God would later use in him to produce a monumental work on dispensational theology. Later, failing health compelled him to give up his teaching career. After a prolonged rest, he became a manufacturer.

But he was not happy. He felt that God wanted him in the ministry. When he was converted he had become a member of the Episcopal Church, but in 1882, at the age of 32, he became a Baptist and was ordained as a Baptist minister two years later. He went directly from business into the ministry.

His first charge was at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; his second pastorate was at Fox Chase, Pennsylvania, where he remained for 20 years. He was not a premillennialist at the time of his ordination, but his study of the Scriptures, with the help of some books that fell into his hands, led him to adopt the premillennialist position. He began to make large wall charts, which he titled, “Prophetic Truth,” for use in the pulpit. These led to his being invited to teach, in connection with his pastoral work, in two Bible institutes. During this time he published a number of prophetical charts, which were widely circulated.

When World War I broke out in 1914, he was called on for addresses on The War and Prophecy. Then God laid it on his heart to prepare a work on Dispensational Truth (or God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages), containing a number of charts with descriptive matter. He spent three years of his life designing and drawing the charts and preparing the text. The favorable reception it has had since it was first published in 1918 seems to indicate that the world was waiting for such a book.

Because it had a large and wide circulation in this and other countries, the first edition was soon exhausted. It was followed by a second edition, and then, realizing that the book was of permanent value, Larkin revised it and expanded it, printing it in its present form. Larkin followed this masterpiece with other books: Rightly Dividing the Word, The Book of Daniel, Spirit World, Second Coming of Christ, and A Medicine Chest for Christian Practitioners, a handbook on evangelism.

Larkin, a kind and gentle man, deplored the tendency of writers to say uncharitable things about each other, so he earnestly sought to avoid criticisms and to satisfy himself with simply presenting his understanding of the Scriptures. Though he did not intend to publish his own works, the Lord led in that direction. During the last five years of his life, the demand for Larkin’s books made it necessary for him to give up the pastorate and devote his full time to writing. He went to be with the Lord on January 24, 1924.

Larkin Charts – The Book of  Revelation >>>
Larkin Charts – Daniel and Revelation Compared >>>
Larkin Charts – Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth >>>
Larkin Charts – Signs of the Times >>>
Larkin Charts – The Perspective of Prophecy >>>

Larkin Charts – Millennial Land >>>

Larkin Charts – Millennial Kingdom >>>

Larkin-Charts-Daniel-and-Revelation Lifestyle C / Leefstyl C

Dave Hunt

DVD028 – A Woman Rides the Beast – DVD

Could the Greatest Double-Cross in History Deceive the “Elect”?

MOST “end times” discussions focus on the coming Antichrist—but he is only half the story…

MANY are surprised to discover that in Revelation 17, there is another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy—a woman who rides the beast…

TRADITION says this “mystery” woman is connected with the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with evangelicals and all religions worldwide…

BIBLICAL truth and global events present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist’s future empire…

MORE THAN TEN remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman’s identity beyond any reasonable doubt…watch and be amazed!

Closed Captioning included

Other by Dave Hunt

A Cup of Trembling: Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy

An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith: A Prophetic Alarm for the Bride of Christ

A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days

The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Judgment Day! Islam, Israel and the Nations

Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views by Dave Hunt and James White

Countdown to the Second Coming

Psychology and the Church: Critical Questions, Crucial Answers by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Other Books and to order: The Berean Call Book Store

Peace Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust book

Recommended Bibles:
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling, Bybel (AOV)
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

Keil and Delitzsch
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

Concordances and Dictionaries:
Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries
Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definitions
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance
Webster 1828 Dictionary
(Available electronically on E-Sword)

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Amillennialism And Post Amillennialism

666 / Antichrist / Antichris / Man of Perdition / Dier / Beast / Man of sin / Man van sonde / Laaste Dae / Last Days / Openbaring / Revelation / Daniel / Terugkeer van die Here / Return of the Lord

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