John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Buh-Bye Middle Ground” 2016 08 28

Persecution on a wide scale basis is knocking at the doorstep of every true believer, and the frequency and intensity of the knocking has exponentially increased.

Just 8 years ago, no one was confused about which bathroom to use…and now, you can be expelled from West Virginia University for not properly using the correct invented pronoun to address anyone who is in a state of “transition” (read: Confusion).

There has been a swing in the societal pendulum from common sense to delusion, and the argument can be made that the momentum has significantly increased over the course of the past 7 years under a lawless administration.

Being unable to reason is now the majority, and those who can reason, especially those who hold to traditional understandings of our existence and purpose are subjected to a hatred and public humiliation not seen for millennia.

Get your house in order. Hold fast to the truth. Be prepared in and out of season to defend your faith. Do not fear those who can only take your life…fear the One who can destroy body and soul for rejecting His tenants and His free gift of reconciliation in the person of Jesus Christ.

There is no longer a soft middle ground. The time is coming…sooner than we may expect. Chose this day whom you will serve.

Americans Giving Up on God:…

Is God Transgender?…

2016 ERLC Onward National Conference (speakers):…

Bill Muehlenberg: The End of Comfortable Christianity:…

Denny Burk: The Disappearing Middle Ground and the Coming Conflict:…

David Gushee: On LGBT equality, middle ground is disappearing:…

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