Minitennis program vir kleintjies.
Bewegings vaardighede en balans
Gooi en vang vaardighede
Hantering van die tennisraket
Hantering van die ruimte waarbinne gespeel moet word deur die rol van die bal met die raket
Slaan van die bal met die raket
Puntetelling deur pennetjies bymekaar te maak vir elke punt wat gekry word.
Addisionele inligting
Ons betrek die kleingoed by ons programme. Ons kom uit na die kleuterskool self ook!
Ons bied Minitennis vir die 4-7 jarige kinders aan by Zambesi Tennisklub.
By Laerskool Magalieskruin bou ons tennis in vir die Graad 0-3 kinders deur Minitennis in LO vir hulle aan te bied vir ’n tydperk elke kwartaal. Al die kinders in die skool se tennis en algemene hand-oog asook bewegings vaardigheid is besig om op te tel.
Ons bied elke kwartaal ’n week van Minitennis in KOP by Laerskool Magalieskruin aan
Player Development Programme >>>
Pre-Schoolers (Ages 5 Boys and 4 Girls)
These young guns will be introduced to tennis with simple ball skills and coordination skills in a fun and playful manner making use of the Red (enlarged) tennis ball on a Red court. |
Beginner/Intermediate players
(Ages 6-9 Boys and 5-8 Girls) Players aged 6 – 9 should mainly focus on fundamentals. As a coach and parent we would want them to start tennis and continue for as long as possible – hence the term “Play & Stay” |
Pre-Schoolers (Ages 5 Boys and 4 Girls)
Red Court & Red Ball
Although the Pre-Schoolers still need to learn basic skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching – Play tennis can be introduced at
this very young age.
Agility, balance and coordination are some of the skills that can be taught, thus allowing the players to develop the required attributes in order to become a good tennis player. Speed and strength can be added at a later stage and is also a pre-requisite for tennis players.
The red ball can be rolled back and forth to each other on the red court in order to simulate a rally between two players. After this skill has been acquired, the ball can be played over the lowered net.
It depends on the player’s improvement how soon he/she will migrate to the next phase of the “Play & Stay” model.
Beginner/Intermediate players (Ages 6-9 Boys and 5-8 Girls)
Orange Court/Orange ball
These players should enjoy every moment on court, improve basic physical skills (agility,
balance and coordination) and also receive the necessary exposure to match play on court.
Mini-tennis is a great way to go about teaching these required skills to the young aspired tennis players. Everything these players do should be performance based. They should compete in low-key competitions at their school as well as inter-club competitions.
Green Court/Green ball
By now the u/10’s should be competing in organized competitions within their school, province, region and also nationally with the emphasis again on performance instead of outcome.
Tennis Competition vs Tennis Training should be managed at a ratio of 10/90 to 20/80. If this is followed using the “Games-based approach” you will ensure that adequate training is followed up with competition and thus allow these players to apply their skills in the match situation.
Tennistoerusting – >>>
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