Paul Dorgan End Times Series
Session 1 of an 8-Session End Times Seminar. This session covers an introduction to End Times, a Jet Tour of the Book of Revelation, and Three Views of the Millennium.
Intro 0:00
Jet Tour of the Book of Revelation 32:56
Three Views of the Millennium 53:23
The following End Times topics are covered in the Full Seminar:
Three Views of the Millennium, Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – Daniel 2, Four Great Beasts – Daniel 7, Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy – Daniel 9, Four Views of The Rapture, Beginning Birth Pains, The Great Tribulation, The Day of the Lord, Beginning Wrath of God, Final Wrath of God, The Judgment Seat of Christ, The Battle of Armageddon, The Sheep & Goat Judgment, Life in the Millennium, Satan’s Final Revolt, The Great White Throne Judgment, and The New Heaven and New Earth.
This First Session explains three different approaches that people often take to the study of End Times and Bible Prophecy. I also explain four different outlooks concerning Bible Prophecy and the Book of Revelation.
I then provide Biblical answers to these two questions:
1. How much can we know about the future?
2. How sure can we be of what we know?
I share the differences between Jesus’ First Coming and Second Coming – and the certainty of Jesus coming back.
Next, I present a Jet Tour through the Book of Revelation. I try to provide a reasonable explanation why God uses so much symbolism in Revelation. Then I explain the main emphasis of each of the 22 chapters in the Book of Revelation. This provides an overview of many of the topics I explain in much greater detail throughout the next 7 Sessions.
Finally, I conclude with Three Views that Christians take regarding the nature of the Millennium and the importance of taking a Face-Value approach to understanding Scripture.
I would like to thank Ted Larson and Pat Smith for their amazing art work.
I would also like to thank:
Duncan Long for his amazing images “Lake of Fire” and “Mark of the Beast.”
David Miles for his incredible Images “The Throne in Heaven” and “The Scroll and the Lamb.”
Peter Olsen for his outstanding image of the Rider on the Red Horse.
Nicholas Alejandro Pena for his incredible image of the Red Dragon.
All these images were used by permission.
(This is a good basic overview, please read the note at the bottom in red regarding his series)
The Apocalypse Conference in Greece at the bottom by Jacob Prasch is more in depth and important to work through for a even better understanding. Regarding the “Restrainer” we also currently have it to be the Holy Spirit in the “Out-poured” function.
Apocalypse Conference in Greece by Jacob Prasch (Revelation and Eschatology)
End Times Seminar Session 1 – Introduction & Millennium
End Times Seminar Session 2 – Prophecy of the 70 Weeks
End Times Seminar Session 3 – Four Views of the Rapture
End Times Seminar Session 4 – The Day of the Lord
End Times Seminar Session 5 – Chronology of 70th Week
End Times Seminar Session 6 – Three Distinct Periods of 70th Week
End Times Seminar Session 7 – The Beginning Wrath of God
End Times Seminar Session 8 – The Final Wrath of God
(We don’t agree with the mention of John MacArthur in a positive light throughout his seminar with regard to his doctrine)
(The only concern here is that we don’t see Michael as the “Restrainer” but we currently have it to be the Holy Spirit and specifically regarding the “Out-poured” function which ceases but not the “Indwelling function”)
Jacob Prasch Session #1 “Who is The Restrainer?”
#6/7sealrapture, #6/7seelwegraping, #70steweek, #70thweek, #7seals, #7seels, #christelikenetwerk, #christen, #christiannetwork, #eschatologypretoria, #jacobprasch, #johnhaller, #laastedae, #lastdays, 70 weeks of Daniel, Afrigting, Christelik, christian, christian lifestyle, Daniel, discern good and evil, Eskatologie, get oil for your lamp, Harpazo, john haller, kry olie vir die lampe, laaste dae, last days, Leefstylafrigting, Physical & Geopolitical Storms, profesie, prophecy, Prophecy Updates by John Haller, rapture, return of Christ, Revelation, wees wakker, Wegraping
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Apocalypse Conference in Greece
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 1 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference in Greece 2 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference Part 3 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 4 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 5 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 6 of 7
Jacob Prasch – Apocalypse Conference 7 of 7