Pawesome Wacky Whiskers Rescue and Rehoming Live Auction 28 March 2018!
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Live Auction 28 March 2018!
“… SAINTs Animal Charity is giving us an opportunity to raise money, which is much needed for our many outreach days and our rescued foster kitty-saving!
In order to do this, we are begging you to beg everyone you know for donations towards the LIVE AUCTION, on the 28th March 2018 – Time: 19h00 to 20h00!
Whether it is a gift you didn’t use, perfume you don’t wear, a service you or a friend render (classes, lessons, beauty sessions, etc) you name it – we need it.
Please contact Dorette for any inquiries about Pawesome Wacky Whiskers Rescue and Rehoming and how you can assist them in this task!