Rick Warren Exposed ages ago

Rick Warren

Pope Francis U.S. Visit 2015 Schedule and Dates: Pontiff Invites Rick Warren To Speak at Philadelphia Conference on Family

sekel Lifestyle C / Leefstyl Crick-warren Lifestyle C / Leefstyl C

Dr. Oz Accused of Medical “Quackery” While His New Age/Spiritual “Quackery” Goes Unaddressed by Rick Warren and the Church

Purpose Driven Life – one of the major avenues through which contemplative spirituality is entering the church

The “Wonderful” Deception of the Purpose Driven Paradigm

The Emerging Church emerging, but not with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Learn To Love Jesus Christ! By Rick Warren, Ladies Home Journal.Refutation by Sandy Simpson

Warren-Driven or Bible-Obedient?
By Sandy Simpson

The Bible study my friend attended was really a Purpose Driven Life study group.   The Purpose Driven Life book they were studying referenced Bible passages that sounded off base. He was told that if he was going to attend the study, he would have to leave his Bible at home, because the issues he brought up were disruptive to the group. He chose to quit instead.

Lighthouse Trails Research Project

Special Report:Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many

Emanuel Swedenborg’s Occultic Beliefs Influence Rick Warren’s Health Advisor and Now the Christian Church

The “Wonderful” Deception of the Purpose Driven Paradigm

Rick Warren “Annoyed” with Those Who Challenge Him – Serving Two Masters Not Working

Purpose Driven Life – one of the major avenues through which contemplative spirituality is entering the church

The Emerging Church emerging, but not with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Willow Creek – Bill Hybels church another major influence in bringing contemplative/emerging into the church

Christian Seminaries & Colleges—leading our future pastors and Christian leaders into the new spirituality

Christian Publishers —succumbing to the temptation to publish books promoting contemplative and emerging spirituality

The Spiritual Formation Movement —another way of saying contemplative spirituality

Mystical Rituals —labyrinths, contemplative prayer, lectio divina, breath prayer, yoga, Taize and other rituals

The Shack —William Paul Young’s best-selling novel is a bridge to the new spirituality

For more Related Articles on the PurPose Driven Movement,
click here

Rick Warren’s Bob DeWaay exposes this fatal flaw in his new book Redefining Christianity.

The False Teaching of Rick Warren Clan

Purpose Driven >>>

Rick Warren Releases “The Purpose-Driven Mosque” Book

The Purpose Driven Lie by Jacob Prasch >>>


15 Principal Errors of “The Purpose-Driven Life” Written by Jacob Prasch

1. PDL Uses Paraphrases Constantly

2. PDL Misquotes God Constantly

3. Demeans Christ and God

4. Makes God Reactive Instead of Pro-active

5. Preaches A Mutated Gospel

6. Enslaves The Reader To The Teacher

7. Pontificates Statements With No Authority In Scripture

8. Appalling Ignorance of Scripture

9. PDL is Basically Humanistic ” “ Man-centred

10. PDL Teaches Self-Acceptance

11. Shaped By, Instead of Separated From, The World

12. Abolishes The Fear of God

13. Prayer & Worship Re-defined Falsely

14. Obedience Re-Defined Falsely

15. Prophesies and Justifies The Spiritual Depression It Will Ultimately Produce

Read Full Article >>>

Reasons For This Paper

As manager of a conservative evangelical Christian literature service I am being asked with increasing frequency by concerned customers for information about Rick Warren”s best-seller of over 20 million copies, “The Purpose-Driven Life”  (Zondervan, 2002). There are also believers personally known to me asking for similar information. Many good papers have already been written, to which this is intended to be a useful supplement. Because so many believers and churches are being affected, and because PDL contains so much harmful, dangerous false teaching, I have sought the Lord”s help to set out clearly and systematically, in a single paper, the basic objections and dangers I have found in this book.

Other Recommended Papers

Since this paper covers many issues, it has been necessary to be brief and give few examples on each point. Some excellent papers by other authors deal at greater length with particular issues, give more background on Rick Warren and the Purpose-Driven movement or give more examples and more extensive quotes from the book. The following are recommended (please access directly using the hotlinks below):

“The Purpose-Driven Life: An Evaluation ” “ Part 1″  by Gary E. Gilley
“The Purpose-Driven Life: An Evaluation ” “ Part 2″ by Gary E. Gilley

“How The Purpose-Driven Life Obscures The Gospel”  by Bob DeWaay 

“The Adulation of Man In The Purpose-Driven Life”  by Richard Bennett

“The Purpose-Driven Life ” “ Demeaning The Very Nature of God”  by Richard Bennett
“An Analysis of Rick Warren’s ” ˜The Purpose-Driven Life’”  by Matt Costella
“The Purpose-Driven Program”  by Albert James Dager
“Paganism In The Purpose-Driven Teaching”  by Chris Carmichael
“Charting The Paganism of Galen & Jung”  & Charting The Warren-Jung Connection” by Chris Carmichael

“Spirit-Led Or Purpose Driven? ” “ Part 1″  by Berit Kjos www.crossroad.to/articles2/2003/1-purpose.htm

“What Kind Of Message is ” ˜The Message’?”  (about “The Message”  version Warren quotes from)

If you do not have time now to read all the above articles, I suggest starting with Gary Gilley’s, Chris Carmichael’s and Matt Costella’s articles, then others as you have time.

Please note that in my quotations of PDL, italics are Rick Warren’s, while bold is my added emphasis as a tool to highlight what is erroneous in the teaching.

This paper is sent as a service to help equip the saints wherever they are faced with this global movement, and may for this purpose be copied, printed or forwarded in its entirety. Requests to include extracts of this paper in other publications should be submitted to my email below.

Yours in the service of Christ,

Stephen Weir

The False Teaching of Rick Warren Clan

What Should I Say? by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is from a booklet I wrote in 1999 to give people biblical answers to statements made to them about the Third Wave. It has many helpful ideas and Bible verses to back them up.

 You can access this booklet online at >>>

False Prophets and Teachers – Valse Profete en Leraars

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Eschatology >>>
We have to get oil and you will not get it from them!

Die tyd raak min, maak maar seker jou eskatologiese vertrekpunte is korrek!

We have to have discernment when talking about Eschatology withstanding the apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. With the Conviction that ……

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