Squad Training / Oefengroep

Squad Training / Oefengroep / Juniorklub

Leefstyl C Tennisakademie se weeklikse (intermediere – gevorderde) oefengroep vind plaas op Dinsdagmiddag/Aand by Zambesi Tennisklub in Montana, Pretoria.

Daar is spelers verteenwoordigend van verskeie skole geleë in Pretoria.

Daar is ’n tennisleer by die oefengroep en elke nuwe kandidaat word ‘n vry daag toegelaat om so toegang te kry en sy/haar plek op die leer te bepaal. Indien die nuwe speler sy/haar wedstryd verloor kan hul ‘n volgende keer probeer deur maksimum 2 plekke van onder af te daag. Hierdie struktuur help dat die spelers wat aan die oefengroep deelneem min of meer op dieselfde valk is.

Punte word gespeel tydens die oefengroepsessies terwyl spelers deur die verskillende situasies geneem word wat hulle sal ondervind tydens wedstryde. Hulle word geleer hoe om teleurstellings en verloor van punte en wedstryde te kan hanteer asook hoe om hul spel te verbeter.

Ons staan elke speler by om hulle volle potensiaal te bereik op en van die baan af. Baie van die spelers in die oefengroep ontvang ook individuele afrigting van ons afrigters.

Vir meer inligting rakende “performance training”, lees hier.

Kinders van die volgende skole word afgerig:

Pupils from the following schools are coached:
Afrikaans Hoërseunskool, Garsfontein Hoërskool; Menlopark  Hoërskool, Montana Hoërskool, Laerskool Anton van Wouw, Laerskool Die Poort, Laerskool Garsfontein, Laerskool Menlopark, Laerskool Magalieskruin, Laerskool Wonderboom, Eduplex, Woodhill Kollege, Hatfield Christian School, Tyger Valley College, Laerskool Tygerpoort en Curro.

LTA’s weekly (intermediate – advanced) squad training session takes place on Tuesday afternoons/evenings at Zambesi Tennis Club situated in Montana.

We have a ladder system and each new candidate will receive a “free challenge” in order to be accepted in the group and also to determine his or her place on the ladder. If the newcomer loses his/her match they are allowed to challenge again, this time a maximum of 2 spots from the bottom. This structure allows for the players to be more or less on the same level.

We aim to assist each player in achieving their full potential on and off the tennis court. Many of the players in the squad also receive individual coaching from our coaches.

Points are played during the squad session, while players are guided through the various situations they might be confronted with when playing matches. They are also taught how to deal with disappointments and losses as well as how to continue improving their game.

For more detail regarding our Performance training & squads, click here

We usually host an internal round robin at least once a term in order for the players to test themselves against their peers. This will also show their improvement during the term and aid in setting and working towards their personal goals.



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Jaarlikse LTA Dubbels Tennisfees

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24 September
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Sosiaal vir ouers!  Prys vir besgeklede paar!
Wynproe en kort lesing oor wynmaak, laatmiddag vir ouers.

Dankie vir almal se deelname

RR 2015-09 Lifestyle C / Leefstyl C

Werksgeleentheid / Job Opportunity

Afrigtingspos / Slaanmaats
Coaching Opportunity / Hitting Partners
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Equipment / Toerusting

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Jakaranda Tennis Rondomtalie

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Tennis Activities

LTA Pret Opedag / LTA Fun Open Day

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Player Development Programs


Kindly contact us for more detail

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The Ketogenic Lifestyle Basics

What is it, pairing of food, meal plans and much more!

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