Tag: David Nathan
En die Vyeboom Bot! / And The Fig Tree is in Blossom!
This Generation “Truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all things take place” (Matthew 24:34) This verse of the Olivet Discourse has led to so much speculation, misunderstanding, prophetic pronouncement and prediction that failed to happen — “this generation.” It has been assumed that the generation…
Moriel Ministries Itinerary
Moriel Ministries Itinerary >>> 14 OCT, 2017 Jacob Prasch-Berean Christian Fellowship-Wales. Sat Oct 14 3pm and 6pm 15 OCT, 2017 Jacob Prasch-Rock Christian Fellowship. Bristol, UK Sun 15 Oct 3pm 15 OCT, 2017 Jacob Prasch at The Berean Christian Fellowship, Sun Oct 15 10:30am 20 OCT, 2017 Jacob Prasch-Hephzibah Mission, Marlow, UK. Sat 21…
Leadership and Covering, how is it related?
Binding and Loosing
Leefstyl C Netwerk Maandelikse Samekoms
Leefstyl C Netwerk Samekoms Samekoms te Green Olive in Derdepoort >>> 26 Februarie 2017 en daarna elke laaste Sondag van die maand. Kom geniet ‘n uur se saam kuier en bespreking van die pad vorentoe rondom ‘n maandelikse samekoms. Hierdie samekoms is gerig op eendersdenkende mense wat kan sien wat aangaan…