Komati Gorge Lodge and Wildlife Reserve

Komati Gorge Lodge and Wildlife Reserve. Thanks to Piet and Louise for a lovely time. 3 hours drive from Pretoria. What a Lovely place. Keto breakfast and dinner, definitely! One of the most alluring Lodges in Mpumalanga. (A piece of Clarens in Mpumalanga) This untouched expanse of more than 2500…

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Afrigtingsdienste gelewer deur Leefstyl C / Coaching Services by Lifestyle C

Leefstyl / Lifestyle Leefstylafrigting / Life Coaching Leefstyl C het ‘n strategiese benadering tot die moderne leefstyl… Daar moet ʼn fyn balans wees tussen werk en die ander fasette van ʼn mens se leefstyl. Die kuns lê daarin om hierdie balans sinvol te vind. There needs to be a fine…

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Vlieghengel / Fly Fishing

Fishing  / Visvang  / Hengel  / Vlieghengel  / Flyfishing Fishing is a wonderful activity that brings one close to nature. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, rod etc. Recreational and sport fishing are fishing primarily for pleasure or competition. Recreational fishing has conventions, rules, licensing restrictions and…

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Tennis Equipment Toerusting – Wilson

Wilson Toerusting kan nou direk by Leefstyl Tennisakademie aangekoop word teen sakpas pryse. Ons verskaf hierdie Toerusting teen Kosprys en klop enige prys. Kontak Danie vir enige navrae rondom beskikbaarheid en advies. Ons lewer plaaslik asook landswyd af. Wilson Tekkies, Kaos Swift, Wilson Rush Pro Red with Black, Kaos NAVY/SCUBA…

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Leefstylafrigting Sessies

Leefstylafrigting Sessies Maak gerus ‘n afspraak. Ons kliënte ontvang bystand van ons leefstylafrigters terwyl motivering verskaf word om doelwitte te bereik. Ons luister, gee eerlike en objektiewe terugvoer asook perspektief. Vertroulikheid is nie onderhandelbaar nie. Ons help kliënte om leefstyl evaluasie te doen, persoonlike doelwitte te bepaal, strategieë te ontwikkel en…

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Life Coaching Ambiance

How about this for a Life Coaching Setting! This ambiance you can find in Kameeldrift, Pretoria, South Africa! Life Coaching in a relaxed setting! We help clients to evaluate their lifestyle and then develop strategies intended to achieve the necessary changes in their lifestyle. We provide a place for clients to be held…

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Life Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching Sessions Make an appointment. Our clients receive assistance from our life coaches and we provide motivation to achieve goals set out. We really listen, give honest and objective feedback as well as perspective. Confidentiality is not negotiable. We help clients to evaluate their lifestyle and then develop strategies intended to achieve…

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Leefstylafrigting met Atmosfeer

Hoe lyk dit vir ‘n Leefstylafrigting Sessie wat atmosfeer betref? Hierdie atmosfeer kan jy vind in Kameeldrift, Pretoria, Suid-Afrika! Leefstylafrigting op ‘n gemaklike styl! Ons help kliënte om leefstyl evaluasie te doen, persoonlike doelwitte te bepaal, strategieë te ontwikkel en aksieplanne te ontwerp om sodoende hul leefstyle dan dienooreenkomstig aan…

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Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle Coaching

Lifestyle C has a strategic approach to the 21st century modern Lifestyle! Afrikaans >>> There needs to be a fine balance between work and the other facets of one’s lifestyle. The art lies therein to achieve this balance effectively. We work from a Christian perspective! Life Coaching  Lifestyle Coaching –…

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