Komati Gorge Lodge and Wildlife Reserve

Komati Gorge Lodge and Wildlife Reserve. Thanks to Piet and Louise for a lovely time. 3 hours drive from Pretoria. What a Lovely place. Keto breakfast and dinner, definitely! One of the most alluring Lodges in Mpumalanga. (A piece of Clarens in Mpumalanga) This untouched expanse of more than 2500…

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Leefstylafrigting Sessies

Leefstylafrigting Sessies Maak gerus ‘n afspraak. Ons kliënte ontvang bystand van ons leefstylafrigters terwyl motivering verskaf word om doelwitte te bereik. Ons luister, gee eerlike en objektiewe terugvoer asook perspektief. Vertroulikheid is nie onderhandelbaar nie. Ons help kliënte om leefstyl evaluasie te doen, persoonlike doelwitte te bepaal, strategieë te ontwikkel en…

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Life Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching Sessions Make an appointment. Our clients receive assistance from our life coaches and we provide motivation to achieve goals set out. We really listen, give honest and objective feedback as well as perspective. Confidentiality is not negotiable. We help clients to evaluate their lifestyle and then develop strategies intended to achieve…

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The Ketogenic Lifestyle Basics

The Ketogenic Lifestyle Pdf Flyer >>> (Short Meal Plan) Contact me for a 4 week plan and assistance! Ketogenies by die Casa The ketogenic lifestyle is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that offers many health benefits. Cut the sugar! Many studies show that this type of approach to what you eat can help you…

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Gesonde Leefstyl – Healthy Lifestyle

Gesonde Leefstyl – Healthy Lifestyle Dit is belangrik om te kyk na wat ons eet en bietjie te oefen veral in hierdie tyd waarin ons leef met al die uitdagings. It is important to consider what we eat and to do some exercise to be able to deal with our…

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Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel

Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel What a lovely Venue. Beautiful surroundings with good food and service! I will definitely recommend a visit or overnight stay here. With over 100 years of history within its walls, this deluxe 34 roomed hotel is situated in the lush leafy suburb of Clubview. Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel…

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Beesstert / Oxtail

Bestandele 2 beessterte in litte gesnySny soveel moontlik van die vet af en was skoon 4 groot uie grof gekap2 medium groote wortels is ringe gesny10 klein artappeltjies – heel5 lorierblare10 swart peperkorrels10 heel naaltjies15 ml gedroogde gemengde kruie15 ml matige kerriepoeier (opsioneel)5 heel knoffelhuisies500 water60 ml beesaftrekselpoeier of 2…

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Basic / Basiese Vinaigrette

Basic / Basiese VinaigretteIngredients / Inhoud¾   Cup Olive Oil  / ¾ Koppie Olyfolie¼  Cup White Balsamic Vinegar / ¼ Koppie Wit Balsamiese Asyn¼  Cup Grass Onions chopped / ¼ Koppie Grasuie fyn gekap1 Teaspoon of Dijon Mustard / 1 Teelepel Dijon Mosterd (Growwe Mosterd)¼ Teaspoon of Salt / ¼ Teelepel soutBlack…

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