Almost Orange

Start to a beautiful day out in Hartebeespoort Almost Orange located on a working citrus farm serving a casual laid back vibe catering platters & tapas. Based among the citrus orchards we offer a new dining experience. Platters designed to share among one another to enjoy a light meal. With…

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Geseënde Kersfees en Voorspoedige Nuwejaar

Wat ‘n wonderlike tyd van die jaar!  Ons hoop julle sal ‘n wonderklike tyd saam met familie en vriende beleef! Jesus Christus is die grootste geskenk aan die mensdom. Dit is ons fokus in hierdie tyd van die jaar. Ons dank die Here vir wat Hy vir ons gedoen het…

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Teachings by Jacob Prasch

Moriel YouTube Channel >>> John Haller’s Prophecy Updates >>> Be Alert Moriel Ministries >>> Audio Video >>> Prophecy Updates and Catching Up with Jacob Prasch >>> Jacob Prasch Oil in Your Lamps  “HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church” Pre-Trib Confusion Part 1-3 by Jacob Prasch Elijah and The Olivet Discourse – Online…

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Prophecy Updates, Teachings and Catching Up Jacob Prasch

John Haller’s Prophecy Updates >>> Be Alert Moriel Ministries >>> Professor John Lennox >>> Jacob Prasch Teachings >>> Fellowship Bible Chapel YouTube Channel >>> Fellowship Bible Chapel Teachings >>> Preke / Teachings YouTube >>> An Outline of Revelation 4, 5, 6 and 7. Including the Seals, Horsemen and the Interlude An Outline of Revelation 4,…

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Tennis Afrigtingsdienste gelewer deur Leefstyl C / Tennis Coaching Services by Lifestyle C

Tennis Afrigtingsdienste gelewer deur Leefstyl C / Tennis Coaching Services by Lifestyle C Leefstyl Tennisakademie leer spelers verskeie leefstylvaardighede (Uit ‘n Christelike hoek) binne die tennis konteks aan. Dissipline, respek, samewerking, lojaliteit, harde werk en fokus. Ons streef daarna om liefde vir tennis as ‘n volhoubare leefstyl aktiwiteit te ontwikkel. Sessies…

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Leefstylafrigting Sessies

Leefstylafrigting Sessies Maak gerus ‘n afspraak. Ons kliënte ontvang bystand van ons leefstylafrigters terwyl motivering verskaf word om doelwitte te bereik. Ons luister, gee eerlike en objektiewe terugvoer asook perspektief. Vertroulikheid is nie onderhandelbaar nie. Ons help kliënte om leefstyl evaluasie te doen, persoonlike doelwitte te bepaal, strategieë te ontwikkel en…

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Life Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching Sessions Make an appointment. Our clients receive assistance from our life coaches and we provide motivation to achieve goals set out. We really listen, give honest and objective feedback as well as perspective. Confidentiality is not negotiable. We help clients to evaluate their lifestyle and then develop strategies intended to achieve…

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Leefstyl Tennisakademie – Zambesi Tennisklub Junior Tenniskampioenskappe 2023

Aandag alle Junior lede! Kampioenskappe Geskuif na 2de Kwartaal 2023!Gebruik asseblief hierdie skakel om in te skryf vir die 2023 Junior Klubkampioenskappe.Skryf asseblief so gou moontlik en voor die 24ste Maart 2023 in.Die aanlyn inskrywingsvorm is maklik gemaak om in te vul, maar as jy ‘n probleem ervaar, kontak asseblief…

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Tennis Toernooi Dinsdag 21 Maart 2023 te Zambesi Tennisklub

Tennis Toernooi, Juniors in die oggend van 8-12. Pryse en pret! Kom geniet die dag saam met ons! Bring kampstoele en eetgerei. Die Kiosk sal ook oop wees met verversings en eetgoed. Hotdogs.  Kleintjies, 3-5 Speletjies en Pret, Minitennis vir 6-8 jariges (Punte) en Wedstryde vir al die ander spelers)…

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The Ketogenic Lifestyle Basics

The Ketogenic Lifestyle Pdf Flyer >>> (Short Meal Plan) Contact me for a 4 week plan and assistance! Ketogenies by die Casa The ketogenic lifestyle is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that offers many health benefits. Cut the sugar! Many studies show that this type of approach to what you eat can help you…

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