Tag: #pretoriaOos
Leefstylafrigting Sessies

Leefstylafrigting Sessies Maak gerus ‘n afspraak. Ons kliënte ontvang bystand van ons leefstylafrigters terwyl motivering verskaf word om doelwitte te bereik. Ons luister, gee eerlike en objektiewe terugvoer asook perspektief. Vertroulikheid is nie onderhandelbaar nie. Ons help kliënte om leefstyl evaluasie te doen, persoonlike doelwitte te bepaal, strategieë te ontwikkel en…
Life Coaching Ambiance

How about this for a Life Coaching Setting! This ambiance you can find in Kameeldrift, Pretoria, South Africa! Life Coaching in a relaxed setting! We help clients to evaluate their lifestyle and then develop strategies intended to achieve the necessary changes in their lifestyle. We provide a place for clients to be held…
Leefstyl en Gesonde Leefstyl Afrigting

Leefstyl C het ‘n strategiese benadering tot die 21ste eeu se moderne Leefstyl! English >>> Daar moet ʼn fyn balans wees tussen werk en die ander fasette van ʼn mens se leefstyl. Die kuns lê daarin om hierdie balans sinvol te vind. Ons vertrekpunte is Christelik van aard! Leefstylafrigting Leefstylafrigting…
The Ketogenic Lifestyle Basics

The Ketogenic Lifestyle Pdf Flyer >>> (Short Meal Plan) Contact me for a 4 week plan and assistance! Ketogenies by die Casa The ketogenic lifestyle is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that offers many health benefits. Cut the sugar! Many studies show that this type of approach to what you eat can help you…
Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel

Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel What a lovely Venue. Beautiful surroundings with good food and service! I will definitely recommend a visit or overnight stay here. With over 100 years of history within its walls, this deluxe 34 roomed hotel is situated in the lush leafy suburb of Clubview. Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel…
Dinokeng Game Reserve

The Dinokeng Game Reserve, situated just outside Pretoria, is the first free-roaming Big 5 residential game reserve in Gauteng – and probably in the world – next to an urbanized area. It is a private/public initiative for which planning and development started in the early 2000’s. It was officially opened…
Bespreek nou Afrigting, Oefengroep en Gevorderde Oefengroep Sessies Vooraf

Bespreek nou Afrigting, Oefengroep en Gevorderde Oefengroep Sessies asook Video-Analise Vooraf. Ouderdom en Vlakspesifiek! Covid 19 Protokol in plek en word fyn bestuur! Pre-book your Squad and Advanced Squad Sessions as well as Video Analysis Now. Age and Level Specific. Formele Squad begin en ons kan die ligte nou gebruik.…
Green Olive Cafe and Deli Venue

Green Olive Café and Deli Green Olive offers you an unforgettable experience in a tranquil relaxing environment: Cafe foods Specialty coffees Functions Small weddings Children’s playpark Garden picnics (Quote on request) Not your ordinary Nursery tea garden – Green Olive Café sets new standards for Country cuisine, with two full-time chefs…