Tennis Afrigtingsdienste gelewer deur Leefstyl C / Tennis Coaching Services by Lifestyle C

Tennis Afrigtingsdienste gelewer deur Leefstyl C / Tennis Coaching Services by Lifestyle C

Leefstyl Tennisakademie leer spelers verskeie leefstylvaardighede (Uit ‘n Christelike hoek) binne die tennis konteks aan. Dissipline, respek, samewerking, lojaliteit, harde werk en fokus. Ons streef daarna om liefde vir tennis as ‘n volhoubare leefstyl aktiwiteit te ontwikkel. Sessies word weekliks beplan volgens groei en ontwikkeling van totale spelerprofiel! Ons begin met mini-tennis vir die kleintjies tot meer gevorderde afrigting vir klub en toernooispelers. Dinamiese skoolafrigting. Hou ons volwasse programme dop!

Opstel en bestuur van speler se jaarplan, dieet en fiksheidsprogram, asook maandelikse/kwartaallikse verslag soos nodig. 2-4 Spelers in ‘n 90min sessie of soos spesifiek ontwerp, Individuele / Semi-individuele aandag, “drills” en “matchplay” op rotasiebasis asook dubbels.

“Squad” oefening en toernooivoorbereiding.

Lifestyle Tennis Academy teaches players various lifestyle skills (In a Christian environment) and the game of tennis plays a role in it. We strive to develop a love for tennis as a sustainable lifestyle activity. Sessions planned weekly according to progress with total player profile in view. Starting with play tennis for toddlers to more advanced coaching for tournament and club players. Keep an eye on our adult programs!

At beginner level players are introduced to the game by focusing on footwork, hand-eye coordination exercises and basic strokes used to play tennis. Tournament preparation for the more advanced players is done through mental, physical, tactical and technical analysis and application.

Our coaches focus on the individual needs of each player and will always act in the best interest of our players.

Leefstyl Tennisakademie / Lifestyle Tennis Academy

Afrigting op alle vlakke / Coaching on all levels

(Squad, Toernooi / Tournament Prep, Minitennis, Sosiaal / Social, Fiksheid / Fitness)

Speler Ontwikkelingsprogramme en Strategie

Being a Better Tennis Parent – Guidelines to help the parents of young tennis players >>>

Click to access Being-a-better-tennis-parent.pdf

Dealing with bad line calls >>>

Click to access Dealing-with-bad-line-calls.pdf


Wilson Toerusting / Equipment


Lidmaatskap Zambesi Tennisklub

Membership Zambesi Tennis Club

TSA Lidmaatskap (Skolier, Sosiaal en Volle Toernooi Lidmaatskap)

TSA Membership (Scholar, Social and Full Membership)

Tournaments / Toernooie

TSA Tournaments

Key links in the TOURNAMENT area: 

GN Bergrave Open
(29 Sept – 3 October) Deadline 22 Sept
GN Super 8 (4-9 October) Deadline 27 Sept.
GN 10+U Ranbow Kidz Super 8 (Green and Orange) (7-8 October) Deadline 27 Sept.

Tournament Guidelines

Players attire and clothing

Players are reminded to please check the Dress Code/Attire section of the Code of Conduct section 2.3 Dress and Equipment. While we realise that these are based on the ITF regulations, TSA events do allow common sense in terms of acceptable tennis attire.

However, the following is unacceptable attire: Beach wear, Any non tennis related clothing i.e. Football teams identification, T-shirts containing large logos (both tennis and other related logos)

Special mention needs to be made that players wearing compression shorts (cycling shorts) may do so, only if these are worn under shorts (boys and girls) or a skirt (girls). Compression shorts on their own WILL NOT be permitted.

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