If I should hold a rope 30 feet above a man at the bottom of a well and plead with him earnestly to take hold of it so that I could pull him out, wouldn’t he think that I was mocking him? And if, in addition, I were to berate him for not grabbing the rope, would he not begin to wish he could grab me by the throat? And how could I maintain to any reasonable persons that I really wanted to bring the man up out of the well but that he was the one who wasn’t willing? So how can God really want to save those to whom He doesn’t extend irresistible grace—that being the only means whereby they can believe the gospel?
There are many books to help you get a handle on this lie of Calvinism.
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Predestination – A Heresy! >>>
Predestination is a perversion of the gospel that can only be regarded as a heresy as it preaches another Christ who came to die for some and not all!
Calvyn / Calvinisme die leuen!
Dispensations and Covenants-James Jacob Prasch
A Short reflection on Dispensationalism / Covenant Theology / Reformed Baptists / Darby / Scofield / Tulip / Calvinism / The Old and New Testament the correct view!
‘n Oorsig oor Dispensasie Teologie / Verbondsteologie / Gereformeerde Baptiste / Darby / Scofield / Tulip / Ou en Nuwe Testament die regte beskouing!
What Love Is This?
Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God
Many sincere, Bible-believing Christians are Calvinists only by default. Thinking that the only choice is between Calvinism (with its presumed doctrine of eternal security) and Arminianism (with its teaching that salvation can be lost), and confident of Christ’s promise to keep eternally those who believe in Him, they therefore consider themselves to be Calvinists.
It takes only a few simple questions to discover that most Christians are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practiced. Nor do they fully understand what most of today’s leading Calvinists believe.
Although there are disputed variations of the Calvinist doctrine, among its chief proponents (whom we quote extensively in context) there is general agreement on certain core beliefs. Many evangelicals who think they are Calvinists will be surprised to learn of Calvin’s belief in salvation through infant baptism and of his grossly un-Christian behavior, at times, as the “Protestant Pope” of Geneva, Switzerland. Most shocking of all, however, is Calvinism’s misrepresentation of God, who “is love.”
It is our prayer that this volume will enable readers to examine more carefully the vital issues involved and to follow God’s holy Word–not man’s teachings. “The first edition of this book was greeted by fervent opposition and criticism from Calvinists. In this enlarged and revised edition I have endeavored to respond to the critics.” –Dave Hunt
TULIP and the Bible is available as a Kindle book at Amazon.
Thousands of readers have been wonderfully and powerfully influenced by Dave Hunt’s authoritative, 590-page hardcover treatise on Calvinism, What Love Is This? but many have asked for a more concise analysis of “reformed” theology.
After years of popular demand, TBC is pleased to offer this resource, designed to help believers navigate the confusing and conflicting views surrounding the Five Points of Calvinism, commonly known by the acronym, T.U.L.I.P.
Presented in an attractive, easy-to-read 5×7 paperback (and “trimmed down” to just 190 pages) are Dave’s essential comments on the Five Points—extracted from the pages of What Love Is This? and beautifully arranged for greater accessibility.
Some readers may never have heard of T.U.L.I.P. others, though knowing that it has something to do with Calvinism, find it difficult to remember what each letter represents:
- “T” stands for : Total Depravity
- “U” stands for: Unconditional Election
- “L” stands for: Limited Atonement
- “I” stands for: Irresistible Grace
- “P” stands for: Perseverance of the Saints
Quoting from the major Calvinistic creeds or confessions (including actual citations and context from the Canons of Dort and the Westminster Confession of Faith), Dave Hunt proceeds to dissect the “sacred” T.U.L.I.P. one petal at a time—exposing each of Calvin’s five points to the light of Scripture as a workman “rightly dividing the word of truth.” With reformed theology and reconstructionism enjoying a recent resurgence among young adult ministries and across denominational boundaries, TBC is pleased to offer this long-awaited resource at an attractive price for owning, sharing, and giving. Ask about case quantity discounts!
Excerpted from Dave Hunt’s bestselling book What Love Is This?, TBC has created a series of smaller, more digestible portions highlighting specific aspects of Calvinism. Other titles in the series include:
- A Calvinist’s Honest Doubts Resolved by Reason and God’s Amazing Grace
- Calvin’s Tyrannical Kingdom – Geneva’s Experiment in Christian Dominionism
Does the Bible present a gospel which can only be understood by a select group of theologians?
This power-packed presentation captures the essence of Dave Hunt’s book of the same title and provides a succinct historical overview for a careful analysis of the issues involved. The system resulting from Augustine’s role in the theology of Luther and Calvin may be seen as nothing other than a doctrinal superimposition upon the Scriptures and a misrepresentation of God, who is love.
Among Calvinist’s chief proponents there is general agreement on certain core beliefs. Many evangelicals who think they are Calvinists would be surprised to learn of Calvin’s belief in salvation through infant baptism, and of his grossly un-Christian behavior, at times, as the “Protestant Pope” of Geneva, Switzerland.
Most shocking of all is Calvinism‘s misrepresentation of God who “is love.”
Debating Calvinism – Five Points, Two Views is available for Kindle at Amazon.com.
Calvinism has been a topic of intense discussion for centuries. In this lively debate, two passionate thinkers take opposite sides, providing valuable responses to the most frequently asked questions about Calvinism. Only you can decide where you stand on questions that determine how you think about your salvation.
Is God free to love anyone He wants? Do you have any choice in your own salvation?
“This book deserves to be read carefully by anyone interested in the true nature of God.” —Tim LaHaye, bestselling author of the Left Behind series
“In this debate, you will find a much better understanding of what each side is teaching.” —Chuck Smith, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Dave Hunt was an internationally known author and lecturer whose best selling books have been translated into more than forty languages. He passed away in 2013.
James White, director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, is the author of Letters to a Mormon Elder and The King James Only Controversy. He holds advanced degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and Columbia Evangelical Seminary.
Table of Contents:
- Calvinism Affirmed
- Calvinism Denied
- God’s Eternal Decree
- Man’s Inability
- Unconditional Election
- Jesus Teaches the Doctrines of Grace
- The Golden Chain of Redemption
- Particular Redemption: True Atonement, True Substitution
- Irresistible Grace: God Saves Without Fail
- Calvin and Augustine: Two Jonahs Who Sink the Ship
- The Central Issue: God’s Love and Character
- Regeneration before Faith and Salvation?
- Turning the Bible into a Charade
- God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Will
- Salvation Offered to All
- Biblical Assurance of Salvation
Profesie, Laaste dae, Nuus, Armagedon, Armageddon, Afspeel van laaste dae,
The Twin Pillars of Madness Romans 2 (Refuting Calvinism)
Tim Keller Expose-James Jacob Prasch
(Including people like; John Hagee, RC Sproul, James White, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, Jimmy De Young etc.)
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