Three Days and Three Nights by Jacob Prasch

A lesser known Jewish perspective from Jacob Prasch supporting the traditional understanding that Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. In this view, the supernatural darkening of the sun on the day of the crucifixion is interpreted as the “missing” night between Good Friday and Easter Sunday (Amos 8:9, Luke 23:44). And the assertion that three days and three nights must be defined by 24-hour periods is rejected as a distinctly Western bias contrary to Jewish and also biblical precedents.

Jesus: Passover Lamb or High Priest? by Jacob Prasch

Jacob Prasch Passover & Paschal Theology

Jacob Prasch Lord’s Supper Passover Song of Solomon 3

Jacob Prasch – God’s Final Warning to the Clergy

The question always who will listen?

Jacob Prasch Prophecy Updates >>>

John Haller’s Prophecy Updates >>>

THE CHAIM REPORT (Jerusalem Journal) >>>

En die vyeboom bot! The Fig Tree is in Blossom!
Eschatology >>>
We have to get oil!

Die tyd raak min, maak maar seker jou eskatologiese vertrekpunte is korrek!



Ten Virgins By Jacob Prasch

Die 10 Maagde / Meisies / Wegraping / Harpazo / Millennium / True Believers / Ware Gelowiges / Kerk / Church / Tempel / Temple / 1000 / 70 / 7

We have to have discernment when talking about Eschatology withstanding the apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. With the Conviction that ……

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