Fishing / Visvang / Hengel / Vlieghengel / Flyfishing
Fishing is a wonderful activity that brings one close to nature. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, rod etc. Recreational and sport fishing are fishing primarily for pleasure or competition. Recreational fishing has conventions, rules, licensing restrictions and laws that limit how fish may be caught; typically, these prohibit the use of nets and the catching of fish with hooks not in the mouth. The most common form of recreational fishing is done with a rod, reel, line, hooks and any one of a wide range of baits or lures such as artificial flies. The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling. In angling, it is sometimes expected or required that fish be returned to the water (catch and release). Recreational or sport fishermen may log their catches or participate in fishing competitions.
Fishing Directory
Fishing Montana Pretoria – Bite Me (Kobie) >>>
Kobie kan enige visvangtoerusting neersit teen baie goeie pryse. Ek het die beste prys op Vliegtoerusting by hom gekry! Dit wat hy nie in voorraad het nie is binne 2 dae in Pretoria!!
Wonderland 45
Safari Outdoor Fishing >>>
Mongena Private Game Lodge Dam
Bass Fishing on Fly
Fishing Pro Shop (Silverlakes Pretoria) >>>
Fishing in South Africa >>
South Africa has plenty to offer the fishing enthusiast. From game fish in two oceans to trout in mountain streams, there is something to challenge and entertain everyone.
Fishinginfo >>, Sealine South Africa >>, The Kingfisher >>
Fly Fishing
Federation of South African Flyfishers >>, Fly fishing for Sharks in South Africa >>, The Southern African Trout and Flyfishing Directory >>, The Wild Trout Association >>
Fly Fishing in South Africa >>
The Best Fishing Spots in Dullstroom >>>
Basil Manning Online Shop Fly Fishing >>>
1. Wildfly
2. South Africa’s home of Fly Fishing >>
Fly fishing, fly fish, FLY Fishing Tackle, trout, Fly Fishing equipment, Fly Fishing Reels, Fly Fishing Rods, Fly Tying, Fly Tying Materials etc.
WildFly is designed to provide you with all the information that will make your journey to destinations an unforgettable one. From the local trout waters that have been properly managed to the exotic locations and bazaar species that will readily snap up your offering.
1. The Mavungana Flyfishing Centre >>
2. Dullstroom South Africa
South Africa’s largest specialized Flyfishing store. Offering Flyfishing instruction and guiding and exclusive fishing waters
Fly-fishing opportunities in the Drakensberg continue to increase rapidly as is happening elsewhere in South Africa. Fly fishing has become so popular.
Tips for Fly Fishing the Surf >>>
GT Hunt
Bass Fishing >>
Bass Fishing South Africa >>
Provides details of fishing areas, club listings, tips and advice, accommodation guide, tackle shop directory and photo gallery.
Wonderland 45 (Pretoria) >>, Dinokeng Camping and Fishing >>, Bundu Bashing >>
Kayak Fishing South Africa >>, South African Kayak Fishing Association >>
SA Spearfishing >>,
African Waters >>
Pa Koos en ek met ‘n paar visse!
Additional information: Lifestyle C is based in Pretoria (Gauteng), South Africa – We can accommodate any client(s) for requested lifestyle sessions at a venue that is convenient for both parties. You can contact Danie Strydom for professional life coaching and alignment.
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Vlieghengel / Fly Fishing / Etc..
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Fishing Directory
The Ketogenic Lifestyle
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