2018 01 21 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “To Understand What’s Coming, Look at the Past”
In order to fully understand the the significance and coming future events in the Middle East, it is imperative that we look at prior events that have set the stage for the ultimate conflict. God has given us clear guidance on what will happen regarding His chosen people of Israel, and He has warned the world that that area will become a “Cup of Trembling” in the end times.
As believers, it is imperative that we stand strong in our faith in that while God has the entire situation under control, that we not become faint of heart when we see John’s much touted “Convergence of Events” continuing to come into clearer focus. Instead, we must focus on soul-winning, starting on our knees and ending with an unshakable proclamation of the Gospel message.
God is the same, yesterday, and today, and He will certainly be the same tomorrow. As such, we must stand firm in our declaration of His perfect plan, even in the face of those whose primary goal in life seems to be to curse and discredit Him at every turn.
God will not be mocked and His perfect plan will be carried out in due time. The only question that remains is what that perfect timing is. He is coming, and as believers we had better make sure that our house is in order.
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